• The Wreck of the Doofus

    Damn these debates, when Biden proves he’s half dead.Who planted this ridiculous idea in his chowderhead.Who hasn’t been watching him playing the fool for 4 years.What kind of blind, twisted idiot would deny how he appears.It was foolish thinking he’d beat Trump and walk off a winner.When his brights are shut off and he’s operating…

  • Debate Prediction

    Tonight’s the big night, the CNN clown show is on.The democrats will make certain.that Biden has won.The MSM will declare victory, the Donald will be dissed.The obvious outcome of course will be totally missed.Joe will be rewarded with accolades and ice cream.Trump will hold a huge rally and let off some steam.Folks will tell him…

  • Scammers and Thieves

    The world’s been overrun with scammers and thieves.With their hands into everything, schemes up their sleeves.It’s an attack on American soil, an assault on our lives.An assault on our savings with foriegn backstabbing knives.They’re into everything if there’s any easy money involved.If it should happen they’re caught, the case is never resolved.They prey on the…

  • Democrat Approved

    They thrive on hypocrisy, always quick casting blame.The more heinous their crimes, the more deadly the games.Turning the truth on it’s head, setting you up with their lies.It’s a well practiced system, a sick routine they’ve devised.They pick their targets with caution, their story well prepared.If they’re out to destroy you no effort will be…

  • A Thing to Behold

    It looks like our future will be a thing to behold.Happy with nothing in paradise, like we’ve been told.Working for parasites, usually the government kind.Rummaging around in our business, robbing us blind.We don’t need our money, they can put it to good use.They tell us shut up and sit down and take the abuse.They promise…

  • Mad as a Hornet

    I got a notice from Allstate, my car insurance has tripled.A 200 hundred dollar added expense, I feel crippled.The search for insurance is on again, I’ll never win.They’ve got government license to rob me again.I’ve had no accidents for which I was to blame.No tickets or citations, my driving record remains the same.What great news…

  • Coming to Light

    The truth is finally coming to light, the 2020 election was stolen.The constitution was disregarded, election laws were surely broken.Donald Trump was openly robbed, he was right about every bit.It looks like the GOP was in on it, going along not giving a sh*t.The Democrat evildoers set up the whole J-6 so-called insurrection.Wagging another damn…

  • Dog and Phony Show

    Joe Biden is hunkering down, preparing to lose the debate.Trying not to forget to remember, he can no longer relate.His performance will be atrocious, he’ll be told that he won.Everyone knows that his subpar effort will always be spun.He’ll be applauded by his usual idiots, he’ll take it to heart.He won’t realize that he’s been…

  • Gaslighting Blacks

    I’m sick of hearing black liberal politicians demanding reparations.I’d rather see them divorce white liberals and force separations.What have black people done to deserve other folks taxes.It’s an assault on the Treasury pushed by Democrat jacka**es.It’s unconstitutional, it’s pure inconcievable out of hand greed.What makes them special, they should work for their needs.The democrats want…

  • And Now the Real Story

    As Joe Biden slips into darkness, Barack Obama still schemes. He’s hard at work in his basement, plotting behind the scenes.The man served 2 terms as president and he hungers for more.I’m sure he can manipulate Kamala and make her his whore.I can’t see Mitchell Obama in the background just looking on.I’m sure they’re working…