• Identity Matters

    Is commonsense wasted on a communist twit? What should you cling onto if you don’t give a sh*t? Can arguing with idiots help improve the world? Can walking be difficult if your toes are curled. If it’s the end of the world do you want to get off. Do you want a new law making…

  • integrityless

    Faces contorted and twisted, veins bulging from chicken necks. Our republic is constantly assaulted, by democrat walking wrecks. Often they’re bigots and racists, claiming to be what they’re not. Hypocrisy, hate and ignorance, are the only weapons they’ve got. Experienced in using all three, they slander, insult and smear. Quick to retreat if confronted, that’s…

  • AOC Speaks Out

    The courts don’t have the authority to have the authority, I just heard AOC, America’s favorite moron struggle to say. How did this woman ever reach her age of majority. With a compromised brain that’s never in play. Stupid is as stupid does is truest when speaking of her. A nice pretty kitty that will…

  • Much Ado About Nothing

    Much ado about nothing, the demonrats are at it again. A mountain out of a molehill, delivered with democrat spin. Sticking up for their wackjobs, raising a horrible stink. looking desperate and stupid, never stopping to think. Always singing to their choir, comprised of ignorant dolts. The most useful woke idiots , with whom BS…

  • Define This

    How does one define a woman ? Let’s ask a pervert. Do women wear blouses? Do men still wear shirts? Which sex wears dresses? I’m so confused. I can see why real women are no longer amused. What is a transgender, does It even know. Is it some kind of human, stipped of It’s soul.…

  • A Rant For the Times

    There’s nothing good about nothing, exactly what Joe Biden does. The fool can’t even remember who he once supposedly was. Another demon passing as human, under Lucifer’s thumb. The result of demonrat scheming, a slice of American scum. It’s sad he’s adored by our gullible, clueless ignorant clowns. Those recognized as the garbage, infesting our…

  • Chinese Dominion

    What’s wrong with this picture, why sell our souls to Jinping. It looks like Biden is compromised, doing that traitorous thing. We have more oil than anyone, China controls precious metals. Who will be controlling the world, when the dust finally settles. When The lefts assinine policy, shutting down our fossil fuels. Combined with stupid…

  • Taken Seriously

    You demand to be taken seriously, are you insane? You can’t force me to be stupid, I’ve got a brain. You aren’t a serious person, your whole life is a lie. I’d rather live with a junkie, than in your pig sty. Bitching about nothing, whining you’re scared. Crawl back under your rock, if you’re…

  • The Eternal Battle

    America has become the land of confusion. Our government purposely creates mass delusion. The left is the new Dr. Mengele aka Doctor Death. Democrats have been subverted, victims of the left. Nothing seems real, in their new surreal society. With abandoned morals and mass impropriety. I will not respect fools who won’t acknowledge me. I…

  • Off the Tracks

    I loosened my tongue and I let’er rip, I was no longer a couch potatoe, I started to trip. I tore him up one side and down the other. I called him a communist dog, I disparaged his mother. I let him have it, I was sick of the lies, Every time the fool spoke…