• The Nerve of Some People

    The nerve of these liars that don’t know when to quit. Pumping everyone full of their stupid bullsh*t Caught in their lies, knowing everyone knows. Spewing ever more nonsense from flapping pieholes. Do they fear retribution, or paying the consequences. The way they lie under oath is simply horrendous. Caught in their lies, doubling down…

  • SOTU: Final Report

    Another fake speech from a bonafide a-hole. Another nonsensical mish-mash from a commie mole. Another energized dummy hopped up on drugs. Another clap-fest dujour by flappers and slugs. A perfect example of an old pandering fool. A fine manipulation of a puppeteers ghoul. Moot Romney came out in the open selling his soul. He’s gone…

  • The Victims

    Blacks are victims of racism, or so democrat leaders say. For the last forty years their leaders want it that way. They want blacks living in poverty, killing each other. But they rise up in anger if a white kills a brother. Black lives don’t really matter to democrat elites. It’s an opening for them…

  • Highway to Hell

    They say the truth’s out there if you know where to look. The books are flung open for someone to uncook. The time’s growing shorter for liars and thieves. No one’s falling into the webs the left weaves. The groomers of children will soon be cast out. Everyone’s wising up to what their agenda’s about.…

  • Hold your tongue Mr. Scarborough, you’re way out of line. The way you spread lies shows you don’t have a spine. If you were ever conservative, you sold out for money. Or to pander to your partner, Mika, your clueless honey. You’re no pair to draw to, you’ve no ratings at all. You look like…

  • How Much More

    How much damage have the demonrats done. How many morons can there be under one sun. How many useful idiots can one school graduate. How long can we wait, before it’s too late. When will eyes and minds open and cast off the yoke. See that being a dumba*s is the same thing as woke.…

  • A Warning

    The left doesn’t want democracy, they refuse to speak truth. They want a suppressed proletariat and brainwashed youth. They prefer our armed forces protect them from the masses. They don’t believe in uniting, they want two separate classes. They want us to be peasants, while they’re the ruling elites. They want us happy with nothing…

  • The Culprit

    Trump is always the culprit no matter what. Whatever he does gets the D-rats, bothered and hot. They start sweating bullets, the tizzies begin. Trump Derangement Syndrome, kicks in again. They’ve turned Trump into the real Teflon Don. No matter what’s thrown at him Trump marches on. Trump’s blamed for everything demonrats do. Anyone with…