• LGBTQ Agenda

    It’s another gay pride month, when democrats pander to creeps.When they want to influence children into becoming they’re peeps.Time to put on the panty-hose, time to parade on the bar.Time to wear garish costumes, time to go one step too far.Time to dress as fat ugly women, and demand our respect.Time to ignore the perverted…

  • The Resume

    He was venerated, greatly esteemed,for his conviction the democrats schemed.he was applauded, glorified, when he appeared,by the American people he’s greatly endeared.He’s still respected, the salt of the earth,we love his sense of humor and constant mirth.He can spot charlatans, discern a lie,for a man of his age he’s nimble and spry.He cares for the…

  • Dummyrat Gloating

    DeNiro showcased his ignorance, making a fool of himself.Another Hollywood charlatan, surrounded by demonrat filth.He was with Dunn the J6 heroic fatman, the coward at heart.He also brought Mikey Fanone, flawlessly playing his part.DeNiro’s been hung out to dry, he sabotaged his career.It’s clear to anyone with a brain, Trump’s the bigger man here.The witches…

  • Trump’s in Control

    Trump had to be convicted the communists say. Trump was going to win, we got him out of the way.We made up some bull crap, we shut his voice down.We can’t have a man in the white house, wearing a MAGA hat crown.We can’t have transparency, or honest trials.We can’t let the man prove any…

  • My Feelings Exactly

    Another Democrat kangaroo court we saw play out today.As the whole truth comes out we’ll know what jurors were paid.It for sure wasn’t a pittance, let’s follow the damn money.With this day in our dark history. skies are not sunny.The democrats are surely cheering, professing to be sad.I guess that’s what you do if you’re…

  • What’s Next Joe

    Only ten million illegals have swept through Biden’s wide open door.I get the feeling ten million isn’t enough, I think he’s hoping for more.He doesn’t care what they’re bringing, or if it’s cartels bearing death.Or if it’s Chinese fentanyl, Heroin, PCP, or breath stealing meth.Him and Barack have a plan, Biden doesn’t have a clue…

  • Getting Out Alive

    The constitution means nothing, to our liar in chief.He’s likely using it for toilet paper, the degenerate thief.The Supremes ruling against him doesn’t stop him at all.He just grabs his pen and, signs more EOs, showing his gall.He calls Trump a dictator, what hypocritical leftist crap.It’s obvious to me, many leftists need resounding slaps.Joe Biden…

  • Waking Up to Wokeness

    They’re waking up to their wokeness, wondering what’s wrong.Scratching their heads wondering how they slept for so long.They watched Joe Biden, thinking “How could I vote for this guy”Seeing their kids had switched genders, asking “why God, oh why”Some thought they’d been drugged, some thought they were duped.Many couldn’t fathom how Biden had them jumping…

  • A Caring Man

    I’ve sitting here without a dime, and I don’t like it, I love it.I have no urge or compunction to tell Joe Biden to shove it.He seems to be well versed in knowing what American’s think.Why would I need money for food, after he drove me to drink.How can I pay twice as much for…

  • Conspiracy Theories Pshaw!

    How many cover-ups is our government running.How many murders, they think they’re so cunning.How many mass murders in their campaign against gunsYou can’t trust these demonrats, because everything’s spun.Cover-ups to cover cover-ups, liars paid for their lies.How can we trust our gov’t when conspiracies are no surprise.Conspiring to steal our guns, conspiring to destroy lives.Conspiring…