• Fool At The Rudder

    It’s the age of Marxist agendas and perverted dreams.It’s the day of creating more morons and drag queens.It’s the time for more clueless Democrat leadership.It’s the time to sell out America, as national sanity slips.It’s a time of declining morals and declining intelligence.As the democrats kick to the wayside American excellence.It’s the age of raising…

  • I Didn’t Stutter

    Send home the college kids, get rid of the fools.Let their parents support the poor little ghouls.Fire their commie professors, zip their mouths shut.Send them down the highway, swift kicks in the butt.Save our tax-dollars, make them get real damn jobs.We don’t need to pay for uneducated Democrat slobs.Stop them from voting unless the simpletons…

  • Democrat Journey

    Colleges recruiting idiots, filling empty skulls.Today anything passes for what the left think is balls.The whole scene is confusing, lives are destroyed. These POS professors, should not be employed.Educating puppets for Brandon, communist creeps.Theres room for more scumbags in the swamps deeps.We have women wearing pants, men wearing make-up.The devil runs rampant, you can’t make…

  • The Price Isn’t Right

    A bag of cheese puffs is over seven dollars today.With Joe Biden in office, absolutely nothing’s okay.If there’s any shrink-flation, it’s happening in his pinhead.I caught myself paying almost 3 dollars for a cheap loaf of bread.A gallon of brand name water costs more than a gallon of gas.A two cheeseburger McDonalds combo is 13…

  • What We’re Looking At

    He walked into a buzzsaw, he cut it pretty close.He should have seen it coming, how close he was to toast.He isn’t who he thinks he is, he isn’t who he was.He imitates Barack Obama and does what master does.He walked into a wall, sadly he didn’t see it there.They hurt his feelers badly when…

  • The Commiecrat Plan

    Rights, say the commiecrats, you don’t need no stinking rights.We decide what you’re guilty of, we decide who wins the fight.Free speech, pshaw!, dream on, we decide what you can say.We have gag-orders, our Marxist judges can just have their way.You call it biased justice, or the department of justice run amock.We call it win…

  • They Come From the Swamp

    Trump is a masculine man and as such likes beautiful women.Democrats love their swamp, where they love to go swimmin’.Their swamp’s full of critters, reprobates and malfeasants. Morals are not to be found and denizens claim to be priescent.Trump is an honest man, democrats live and die by their lies.I’ve never seen one single fake…

  • Under Attack

    The little cowards can protest, the little cowards can yell.They can make up stupid chants thinking they’re swell.They’re adept at tearing down what our tax-dollars built.They’re like fruits on the vine getting ready to wilt.They don’t know what they’re saying, that’s nothing new.They’ve been brainwashed with lies, they think are true.The world is watching America…

  • It’s About Time

    It’s time to sweep the Democrat Marxist scum out of D.C.Time the New Hitler Youth are swept back into the sea.Time to shut down commie training centers wherever they are.The democrats always carry their power grabs one step too far.It’s time we refill our tax coffers, that are not their’s to spend.It’s time we put…

  • Nothing Else Matters

    Nothing matters but power to the communist left.With their commie policies and agenda, America’s effed.The left sucks up to the Chinese, Islam and Iran.Fomenting global wars seems to be the Democrat plan.Our NATO allies are watching, they’re not dumb as rocks.We have a fool in the white house, they hear him squawk.They’ve seen lots of…