• Happy With Joey?

    Biden was right, I’m happy with nothing this skuz-bucket’s done.Like his everyday rhetoric about how he wants to steal our guns.How he says the economy’s great, he’s created 15 million jobs.I’m so happy, so proud of him, how he makes my heart throb.I’m overjoyed how he persecutes Trump in kangaroo courts.How he’s still able to…

  • Fire the Fool

    The big day fast approaches, will the democrats be prepared.Prepared to steal another election, another day of despair.We know their think-tanks are busy, it’s always the same.Folks with no conscience will make sure they win the game.Everyone sees what they’re doing, persecuting Donald Trump.They’re succeeding in making Joe Biden look like a chump.Biden’s finally starting…

  • Happy With Biden

    He babbled on to his syncophants and they sucked it up.With only a half of a brain, they’re Joe’s useless schlups.The treasuries dwindling, wasted by bribing these dolts.Using our hard-earned tax-dollars buying their votes.Paying them for commie opinions they shout in our faces.For blocking our freeways, constantly crowding our spaces.These people are lunatics, cretin communist…

  • Learning About Fools

    My kids told me yesterday, they’re learning about fools.Joe Biden visiting disaster zones stopped at their school.He praised their professors, he bumped several fists.He made sure when he left, he wouldn’t be missed.He pointed at someone, he warned them not to jump.He went on hour after hour dissing Donald Trump. Trump wasn’t selling out to…

  • No Ones Impressed

    The lies keep coming the charade carries on.Biden wonders why the trust of the people is gone.He sees signs cursing his name, kids flipping the bird.His words incite catcalls, he wishes he never heard.He wants retribution, he wants MAGA heads to roll.He wants trust restored to his office, God bless his soul.He’s turned into a…

  • Underwhelmed

    We leave the gates open, for the scum to come in.We welcome the activists, terrorists, fools bringing sin.Ten million, twenty million. here to get everything free.A huge invading army, this administration can’t see.They’re bringing weapons, religions, Satan’s big lie.They could have nuclear bombs to explode in our skies.Joe Biden looks on telling us how great…

  • A Kindly Old Reprobate

    Joe Biden is stealing our tax dollars, to buy his votes.32 million student loans paid for the old fool’s feeling his oats.The Supremes told him it was unconstitutional, over the line.Joe acts like their ruling is nothing more than how they opine.Like they’re just making suggestions, he can follow or break.He thinks the United States…

  • The Hunt is On

    The border’s secure, the border’s secure, theres absolutely nothing happening there. Theres nobody coming, there’s nothing to fear, Just millions of invaders wanting free shares. Their free share of our hard-earned tax-dollars, Their free slice of our special American pie. Their chance to break free of slave collars, Using my common sense, I say in…

  • No Right to Say It

    The Feds came calling, they’re taking me down. They say I’m making a mockery of Washington clowns. I can’t write about Biden, he’s now exempt from my pen. I’m not allowed to accuse him of stealing an election again. I can’t make fun of his shuffle or his stupid hop, skip. I can no longer…

  • End of the World

    The world is ending and looters are stocking up on TVs. Maybe the MSM has more fake news for fools to believe. The sky is on fire, thousands of missiles have flown. Any foolish dreams of a commie paradise have been blown. Brought to us by demon rats in the white house, demons overseas. Perpetrating…