• I believe

    His motions were calculated on a faulty computer. He was often reprogrammed by moronic rebooters. The kind that implanted communist crap in his head. Who filled it with gibberish, that shouldn’t get said. Yet Joe Mixed it up then spit it out in our faces. Showing us the typical tomfoolery a commie embraces. He mocked…

  • The Ballad of Blahsey

    The cats dug her back up, hoping to rehash old lies. Blahsy Ford has returned, is anyone still surprised. They drug her out on the view, the harpies rejoiced. Where her lies were applauded, and her story revoiced. She still slandered Kavanaugh, using the same axe. A whole pile of malarkey, with no pertinent facts.…

  • Change is Coming

    Fools trust the government, if they see enough cheese. The demonrats pick them up like a dog picks up fleas. They will buy into anything, for a bribe or maybe a threat. Maybe for fame or fortune, whatever such a fool gets. It’s a sad fact of this life, how a corrupt government works. How…

  • An Objective Review

    I’ve created a million jobs last month, no joke. If I’ve lied about everything, I’ve only mispoke. The right twists the BS that spews from my mouth. My brain’s here in my head, it hasn’t gone south. The Cookie Monster told me about shrinkflation. How big corporations are destroying our nation. They put fewer chips…

  • Good Life Gone

    Screw the damn demonrats and the jacka*ses they ride. Screw their dream for America, a paradise for trans pride. All of their cities are hellholes, controlled by demonrat fools. They welcome destruction by importing illegal alien ghouls. They seem to prefer disorder and chaos over law and order. They don’t care about citizens, they want…

  • Nap Time

    Biden isn’t thinking about the border, he’s thinking about his next nap. He’s not worried about chaos and disorder, he can’t find Texas on a map. He acts like a looky-loo gawker, looking at he doesn’t know what. It becomes obvious to everyone watching, This old jacka*s doesn’t know squat. We hear he’s going to…

  • Eve of Destruction

    The yellow horde’s coming, the vanguard is here. Our border’s a welcome matt, but theres nothing to fear. What are sabotuers doing, what damage’s been done. Wars aren’t always fought with either bombs or a gun. If their goal is destruction, we had best be on our toes. If not we’ll wind up as meatsacks…

  • Undeserved Fame

    After we’ve been overrun and the shit’s hit the fan. Will the fools still look at Joe Biden thinking he’s the man. Will the fools still line up to kiss his weary, wore out a*s. Will they overlook his mistakes and say chutzpah is class. After push comes to shove and the world’s caught fire.…

  • Twisted Pipe-Dreams

    The left recruits too many morons, to spread their fake news. To tell us nothing but lies and share their ungodly views. The left recruits countless idiots. to protest and whine. To show off their bad educations when they dare to opine. The left wastes too many tax-dollars for the votes of these fools. For…

  • What We See

    When Americans see the border, we see an intentional mess. A deliberate cluster-muck, Joe Biden will never address. The Chinese are creating an army, and they’ve got a list. Of Joe Biden’s enemies, folks who will never be missed They know who’s armed to the teeth, they’ll be coming for you Doing exactly what the…