• Gaslighting

    I’m sick of democrat gaslighting, being treated like fools. Like we’re expected to believe lies, like it’s somekind of rule. Expected to deny what our eyes see and what our ears hear. I’m sick of being told things I see are not as they appear. I’m sick of the left’s manipulation, I’m tired of their…

  • Cooking One’s Goose

    Like father like son, the fruit never falls far from the tree. Joey and Hunter lie with aplomb, always nothing to see. Hunter lies before congress, It’s easier to deny and defy. To blame someone else, the Donald is usually that guy. Joe isn’t working for Hunter, Hunter is working for Joe. Joe pays him…

  • What to Expect

    It’s time to quit playing the race card, you’ve wore the deck out When democrats fear losing elections, it’s all they’re about. The Donald’s a racist a nazi, plus a white supremacist goon. He’s going to be a racist dictator, has become part of their tune. We’ll hear Biden bring up Charlottesville thousands of times.…

  • Demonrat Style

    No scruples, no conscience, what lie won’t he tell. What version of his untruth, is Joe trying to sell. No consideration of others, no foresight or hindsight. Nothing sounds honest, nothing sounds right. Full of nonsensical gibberish, his messages muddled. While he stands there like a moron, looking befuddled. He angers too easily, he always…

  • Outraged

    My outrage is growing by leaps and by bounds. How does an old reprobate keep escaping the hounds. They should be hot on his heels, yet he shuffles away. I guess they’re not playing the same game he plays. He’s got some kind of protection, some cloaking device. That hides his big stink, covers it…

  • No Evil For Me

    From under their rocks the demonrats crawled. While sane folks in shock looked on appalled. They leapt for the jugular, of our great land. Attacking with stupid ideas and reckless demands. The pits of Hell opened, vomiting Satan’s horde. Their weapon their tongues, a venomous sword. An onslaught of pure evil, a stench on the…

  • Saved By the Swill

    The Donald’s a dictator, the demonrats have detected. One who must be brought down before he’s elected. He must face persecution in dictatorial leftist courts. He must be harshly admonished, by fictitious torts. He must be harassed by judges with personal vendettas. Hounded by 90 indictments, Biden could win the trifecta. Trump could be impoverished,…

  • Butthurt Biden

    He took his butthurt with him, he wandered off to cry. He had trouble understanding why no one bought his lies. His job approval dropped like a stone, it hurt him to the core. Some people described him as a used up whacked out bore. Thinking he was beloved, he couldn’t believe any polls. He…

  • Proof in the Pudding

    He shuffled up to the podium, he ogled the crowd. He appeared to be hours away from wearing a shroud. He started to speak, the lies caught in his throat. Up into his head his eyeballs were starting to float. He shook his head wearily, slapped himself on the cheek. We were in for a…

  • The Border’s Secure

    The border’s secure we hear Mayorkas say. Theres only 10,000 invaders crossing each day. All we need is more money, more men and more laws. We need you to let us, cram it all down your craws. If theres any drug problem, you can blame it on Trump. He’s our favorite scapegoat if we need…