Category: rants

  • What’s Up With That

    Trump campaigned for two years, Kamala campaigned for a day.She collected nearly 200 million, the Smurf thing was a good play.There’s something rotten in Doucheland, it stinks to high Hell.There’s some kind of campaign shenanigans, some kind of shill.Kamala didn’t get a single damn vote, not a single endorsement.Not one damn word in passing from…

  • What I Want

    Nasty nasty demonrats, with college educations.Crude and rude polecats with skyhigh expectations.Nothing for something thieves, reaching in our pockets.Always making promises, drawing blood from our eyesockets.Pandering, demanding, always catering to our worst fears.Hiding real motives, behind their favorite smoke & mirrors.Prancing in the streets, twerking their filthy derrieres.Perverts and degenerates, selling their twisted wares.Corruptocrats and…

  • Who the Hell Are They

    The democrats can’t ever shut up, they can’t ever play fair.In their form of democracy it’s whatever works to get there.Election Interference has become their new way to win.The left believes murdering an expresident in no way is a sin.For one minute they talked about hate speech, toning it down.Then we start hearing their theories…

  • In the Wee Hours

    They’re counting on us being stupid, as dumb as their base.They’re hoping we show them deference and stay in our place.They know we’re right and try to convince us we’re wrong.They label us as divisive, that we purposely won’t get along.They love lecturing us for the lies and crimes they commit.We’re accused of being deceitful,…

  • Wicked Weasels

    Oh the webs these wicked weasels weave,when first they practice to deceive.When with heads put together they concoct,the deadly plans that go off half-cocked.Oh the garbage their mouths can spew,when feeling threatened by Trump’s crew. Bad things happen when they double-down,under the leadership of Brandon the clown.Joe Biden though can’t control himself,his goal is to…

  • Jill Feeling Bad

    She felt robbed of her power, cheated out of her fame.She’d terribly abused her husband, without any shame.She used poor old Joe as a means to her nefarious ends.As the winds were now shifting, she cursed Joe’s depends.The things she’d put up with, babysitting such an old fool.It was all done for nothing, now she…

  • The Wreck of the Doofus

    Damn these debates, when Biden proves he’s half dead.Who planted this ridiculous idea in his chowderhead.Who hasn’t been watching him playing the fool for 4 years.What kind of blind, twisted idiot would deny how he appears.It was foolish thinking he’d beat Trump and walk off a winner.When his brights are shut off and he’s operating…

  • Debate Prediction

    Tonight’s the big night, the CNN clown show is on.The democrats will make certain.that Biden has won.The MSM will declare victory, the Donald will be dissed.The obvious outcome of course will be totally missed.Joe will be rewarded with accolades and ice cream.Trump will hold a huge rally and let off some steam.Folks will tell him…

  • Scammers and Thieves

    The world’s been overrun with scammers and thieves.With their hands into everything, schemes up their sleeves.It’s an attack on American soil, an assault on our lives.An assault on our savings with foriegn backstabbing knives.They’re into everything if there’s any easy money involved.If it should happen they’re caught, the case is never resolved.They prey on the…

  • Mad as a Hornet

    I got a notice from Allstate, my car insurance has tripled.A 200 hundred dollar added expense, I feel crippled.The search for insurance is on again, I’ll never win.They’ve got government license to rob me again.I’ve had no accidents for which I was to blame.No tickets or citations, my driving record remains the same.What great news…