Category: rants

  • At the Box Office

    How stupid do they think we are, what kind of morons are they? Are they willing to go too far, destroying everything on the way? Who the hell’s writing their script, when America’s soul is at stake? It’s like a crappy Hollywood movie, costing trillions of dollars to make. Filmed by commie directors, with a…

  • Fifty Years

    Fifty years in government, three cheers for the twit. It’s a new record, fifty years of not giving a sh*t.. Fifty years full of lies, fifty years of pandering. Fifty years of tax cheating and likely philandering. A half century doing nothing, except wasting our money. Growing older and stupider, into a glorified dummie. Fifty…

  • Still Ranting

    Twerking for toddlers, ball sacks hanging low. Parents clapping and cheering such a sick show. The children are frightened, the parents amused. Having a ball, while their kids are being abused. They love pervert inclusivity, and all it involves. Including how a societies values quickly dissolve. The creep show goes on, the feckless fools cheer.…

  • BLM Ghettos

    The demonrats want to build slums for immigrants on BLM land. Another stupid communist pipedream, the demonrats be damned. Another ridiculous evil plot to change red state voting demographics. They can shove it up their butts, you can imagine my graphics. No good can come from this, who do they think’s going to pay. Talk…

  • Silence = Compliance

    The Corruption runs deep in the democrat kangaroo courts. Specializing in weaponized justice, for fake crimes of all sorts. Justice is no longer blind, she’s now biased and badly abused. She works for the demonrats, they laugh but we’re not amused. Charges are manufactured, they’re set aside until needed. When there’s a damaging Biden action…

  • Evil Testosterone

    American’s are becoming weak, as the left sissifies young men. Strong moral men are mocked, as the leftists espouse living in sin. Women with commonsense and values are denigrated and mocked. Our children grow up being brainwashed, why is anyone shocked. The left claims there’s no trans agenda, their whole life is a lie. Who…

  • What’s Wrong With Lying

    Democrat lies clutter the airwaves, a constant assault on our ears. Yet when accused of your lying, miraculously no one can hear. You whistle through graveyards while looking for votes. The ship of state is sinking, because your rocking the boat. No one knows what you’re thinking, your reason for the lies. Left to do…

  • Education vs Programming

    In our institutions of higher learning is where stupidity thrives. Where tenured professors teach bullsh*t and worthless jive. A place where a persons value is judged by his or her skin. Where learning takes a back seat to partying and wallowing in sin. Educations is a misnomer, tuition funds wasted with naught in return. Kids…

  • Truth About Demonrats

    Why do democrats pander to those dumber than dirt. How do the Biden’s manage to avoid their just desserts. The FBI, DOJ, and the IRS, sure as hell aren’t making a fuss. We pay their salaries but it’s obvious they don’t work for us. They cover tracks for the criminals, cover for the crooks. It…

  • Snow in the Crackhouse

    So there’s snow in the White House, isn’t that groovy. It sounds like the plot, of some crappy Hollywierd movie. Whose cocaine could it possibly be, nobody knows. But look there goes Hunter, furiously scratching his nose. His mouth going a mile a minute, his hands are a blur. Who elses coke could it be,…