Category: rants

  • Lies About Lying

    I want to write something but there’s nothing to say. My words won’t stop democrats from acting this way. I just sing to my choir, if i’m lucky they might applaud. I’m never deceitful, I don’t have a lying thought in my bod. I know I won’t ever change any democrat minds. But I’m sick…

  • Looking Forward to Nothing

    If our dollar is completely devalued, will our gold be spent buying yuans. What can we do when our government is run by dishonest demonrat cons. Or we’ll be stuck with a digital dollar, do we even know what that means. Will they still be called greenbacks, if our computer screen is turned green. We’ll…

  • Joe’s Village

    They’re not your children Joe, stick that in your pedohole. You can’t take care of yourself, your thoughts are unwhole. You’re a demented pervert, you know, ”THE THING” America isn’t a democrat village, you’re not our king. Your ideas are poison, Your dreams for our future insane. You’re naught but a charlatan, with a mismanaged…

  • New World Disorder

    The assault has become pandemic, a human spread social disorder. The carriers are the demonrats, their plague is overwhelming our border. There are no vaccinations, there is only one known feasible cure. It is to stand up and speak out, we’ve had all we can endure. Our lives are disrupted by evil, our dreams are…

  • Lesson Not Learned

    Who put the dick in the vainbow, who put their pride on parade. What perverts dance for babies, whose puberty’s been delayed. Who thinks it is wonderful, to show off an ugly face and fat bod. Whose parades honor their hero, the perverted Marquis de Sade. Why are men dancing in g-strings, flashing their.fat derriaires.…

  • A Message to Joe

    Bring our gas prices back down you incompetent schumck. You’ve found what you’re good at, as a leader you suck. As a democrat communist hack, you’re one of the worst. No one on earth is as adept at putting Joe Biden first. Gas prices are rising, and you’ve got nothing to say. Besides telling us…

  • The Voice in Joe’s Ear

    Where’s the money Joe says as he openly laughs in our faces. Why Joe, we think you stashed it away in a myriad of places. It might take a few years to retrace your criminal tracks. You might think you’re so clever, or someone’s got your back. You should keep it in mind Joe, your…

  • Who’s the Criminal

    The demonrats are disgusting, filthy communist scum. Backing themselves into corners, there is no escape from. I’m not surprised at their perfidy, I’m not demoralized. If their sh*t hits the fan, we’ll see which way it flies. Right back in their faces, they’ll be covered in stool. With sh*t on their mugs, will they still…

  • Moral Superiors

    I heard my moral superiors are the folks on the left. Idiots like Hunter who is strung out on cocaine and meth. They think they’re on the high road, the highway to Hell. They can’t be happy, unless there are babies to kill. Their favorite doctors are the doctors of death. Moral giants like Gosnell…

  • Celebrate This?

    I wasn’t misgendered, what the heck is gender dysphoria. I was blessed with good commonsense, a full cornucopia. In the schools I attended, we were taught to be human. Boys grow up to be MEN and girls grow up to be WOMEN. There are only two sexes, there are only two genders. Your genes created…