Category: rants

  • Moving On

    Get your tents off my lawn, go crap in the woods. Stay out of my house, keep your hands off my goods. Why are you out here in the suburbs, what’s up with that. Something smells rotten, I smell a damn demonrat. You’ve ruined the cities, made a blight of the streets. Now you’re squatting…

  • Hold Your Head High

    With justice perverted, now protecting the crooks With the Treasury openly cooking Joe Biden’s books. With the FBI running rampant, serving the devil. With American’s thinking, nothing’s on the level. With colleges cranking out mindless leftist bots. With the covid vaccine causing serious blood clots. With radicals promising to confiscate all our guns. With Joe…

  • It’s Your Choice

    What’s wrong with pandering, it’s the American way. What’s wrong with lying if it get’s you through the day. Why not break promises, if they’re purpose was served. Why not take the credit, when it’s not deserved. If you’ve created mass fear, why not take advantage. It’s the perfect kind of crisis, for you to…

  • Heads Must Roll

    I demand reparations, for the left’s treasonous acts. I demand an honest accounting, not their made up facts. I want to see hearings that are followed by trials. I want to see an end put to the left’s constant denials. I want to see justice served, I want the guilty to pay. I’m sick of…

  • Fat and Ugly

    You can be fat and ugly and be a good human being. You can be fat and ugly and be a fat ugly drag queen. But you can’t be fat and ugly and be a beautiful woman. Why can’t you be happy with just being a fat, ugly human. You can be fat and ugly,…

  • Pants on Fire

    The list seems to be endless, of the communist scum. That kiss the demonrats a*s and beat their damn drum. They know the truth but prefer to report only lies. Who are they protecting, no one is ever surprised. They’ve made their beds, in the camp of the left. They refuse to see a political…

  • The Durham Report

    The Durham report is reported, whoopty damn do. All it does is tell us, what we already knew. Of course Trump is innocent, the left, guilty as hell. The MSM won’t report it and all will be well. Hillary will downplay it, perhaps double down. Call it a new conspiracy, Trump’s spreading around. Another Russian…

  • Come One, Come All

    Come to America, We’ve left open the door. We”ll give you free money and so much more. Bring your aunties and uncles, cousins and friends. Plus anything drug cartels are willing to send. Grab some kids on your way, sell them for sex. Joe Biden has truckloads of government checks. Is it an illegal invasion,…

  • Each Day

    Each day we hear how the situation’s growing more dire. Each day we see Joe Biden’s feet aren’t held to the fire. Are we not grown-ups, supposedly an educated society. Why can’t the left see, ours is not unfounded anxiety. Biden appoints accomplished liars to lie to our faces. When challenged on lies they go…

  • Slaves of Stupidity

    The democrat base has been transformed into slaves of stupidity. By elitist, pandering leaders whose brains have lost all lucidity. Be they black, brown, yellow or white, they are slaves of the state. Taught to be useless idiot victims, they don’t know how to relate. Public schools are the brainwashing tools of a communist Hell.…