Category: rants

  • They Want You

    The Left wants us off the highways, they want us out of the air. They want us sitting at home with nothing, wringing our hands in despair. They want our shelves to be empty, they don’t want us cooking with gas. They want our children perverted, by transgender goons in their class. They want us…

  • It’s All Not So Good

    Choosing to be unreasonable, when their stupid plans suck. Democrats double down on stupid and come after our bucks. They don’t think of the people, they think of the plan. The biggest fool in America is the democrats number one man. The biggest fearmongerer, the greatest panderer of all time. Throwing away trillions of dollars,…

  • The Begats

    Lies beget lies, fools beget fools. demonrats beget, communist rules. A mess is created, a communist Hell. Fools, fool themselves into thinking, everything’s swell. Morons count on morons for their fake news. Having no other options from which to choose. Liars spread lies, lies spread distrust. Ignorance spreads, when truth has been shushed. Evil spawns…

  • Salvation vs Damnation

    Banks are collapsing, the economy’s crumbling. The fool in the White House is constantly bumbling. In shock we are gasping, as our lives are destroyed. In fear of the tactics, the communists have employed. They don’t like America’s greatness, they need mediocrity. Ushered in by insipid idiots, awash in depravity. It’s the recipe for destruction,…

  • Trans-Riddance

    They couldn’t get any dumber, boy we’re so wrong. Biden’s health is obviously failing, but he’s going strong. Our eyes don’t deceive us, we see Joe’s decline. We can see for ourselves, everything isn’t fine. There’s a rot in the system, from the top to the bottom. We see how America is transforming into the…

  • Swamp Scum Isn’t Slime

    Inconvenient truths, become the Lefts convenient lies. The truth is scapegoated, and conspiracies rise. The Al Gores of the world create lies all the time. Like global warming and swamp scum isn’t slime. None of it’s real, only MSM fools would believe. Or practiced prevaricators, that are paid to deceive. Who can we trust, how…

  • Anarchy

    What’s wrong with anarchy, peace had it’s chance. Let’s give hoodlums and deadbeats a reason to dance. As law abiding citizens we owe them a fair share. So leave your doors open, show them how you care. Let them waltz in and right out with your stuff. Give them your money, don’t try to get…

  • The Black Book

    Epstein is back with a vengeance, can the pedos suicide him again. Can we first ask him, does he like the Hell he’s been in. Can he give us the names of all those he blackmailed. Can he tell us of the sick crimes and the perverts entailed. Someone had him killed, that someone had…

  • Day Dreaming

    The demonrats smile and lie through their teeth. Then scurry back to the rocks they hide beneath. There’s no one more generous with other folks money. No one more adept at painting futures less sunny. They’re easy to locate just follow the cheese. And the waft of deep rot that rides on the breeze. Everything…

  • Selling Our Future

    Ridiculous plots and ignorant schemes, mainlined straight into the American dream. Addicting young minds to hype and false hope, compromising their futures, their ability to cope. Just like real drugs taking over their minds, an insidious future is all they will find. They will rest on the laurels no one has earned, not realizing behind…