Category: rants

  • Money Walks

    Let’s ban all political donations, let people run on their merits. No more massive donations from weasels and moneybags ferrets. No more buying candidates who will be obliged or bought off. Let everyone drink from the same empty moneyless trough. We don’t need the mega rich putting up billions of dollars. We need more candidates…

  • So Bizarro

    Was her name Fang-Fang or was it Yum Yum? Is Senator Swalwell a commie or just a dumdum? Sleeping with a Chinese spy, then getting caught. The POS is still in the senate, it happens a lot. If there’s no consequences, it will happen again. This is the Bizarro type world we’re living in. Adam…

  • Abortion aka Murder

    Abortion is healthcare, the murderers chant. Shout out your abortion, they foolishly rant. Babies aren’t humans, not till they’re born. They’re nothing but tissue, why should you mourn. If you can’t hear the screams as they’re torn apart. Doesn’t mean you’re a monster minus a heart. If you think sick in the head is good…

  • The Whole Truth

    Swearing to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth, means nothing, to someone who does nothing but lie. What is the point of a liar taking an oath of office, raising his hand while solemnly swearing to God on high. God knows the heart and mind of a consumate liar, Yet we gullible humans,…

  • Biden & The C.C.P.

    The Chinese Communist Party are like rats in the woodwork. It seems in every dark corner, their agents might lurk. They’re free to float spy balloons, acoss our whole land. Why Joe Biden allows this to happen, no one understands. Are Jinping and Brandon in cahoots, working together. Do we now count on the Chinese…

  • Crescendo of Doom

    Their intent is disruption, chaos and disorder. One path to achievement, a wide open border. Welcome the illegals, don’t speak to the damage. Keep in mind it is Satan, to whom you pay homage. If it benefits his agenda, it’s full speed ahead. Read between their lies, see what’s left unsaid. Their goal openly stated,…

  • Define This

    How does one define a woman ? Let’s ask a pervert. Do women wear blouses? Do men still wear shirts? Which sex wears dresses? I’m so confused. I can see why real women are no longer amused. What is a transgender, does It even know. Is it some kind of human, stipped of It’s soul.…

  • A Rant For the Times

    There’s nothing good about nothing, exactly what Joe Biden does. The fool can’t even remember who he once supposedly was. Another demon passing as human, under Lucifer’s thumb. The result of demonrat scheming, a slice of American scum. It’s sad he’s adored by our gullible, clueless ignorant clowns. Those recognized as the garbage, infesting our…

  • Chinese Dominion

    What’s wrong with this picture, why sell our souls to Jinping. It looks like Biden is compromised, doing that traitorous thing. We have more oil than anyone, China controls precious metals. Who will be controlling the world, when the dust finally settles. When The lefts assinine policy, shutting down our fossil fuels. Combined with stupid…

  • Taken Seriously

    You demand to be taken seriously, are you insane? You can’t force me to be stupid, I’ve got a brain. You aren’t a serious person, your whole life is a lie. I’d rather live with a junkie, than in your pig sty. Bitching about nothing, whining you’re scared. Crawl back under your rock, if you’re…