Category: rants

  • Eve of Destruction

    The yellow horde’s coming, the vanguard is here. Our border’s a welcome matt, but theres nothing to fear. What are sabotuers doing, what damage’s been done. Wars aren’t always fought with either bombs or a gun. If their goal is destruction, we had best be on our toes. If not we’ll wind up as meatsacks…

  • What We See

    When Americans see the border, we see an intentional mess. A deliberate cluster-muck, Joe Biden will never address. The Chinese are creating an army, and they’ve got a list. Of Joe Biden’s enemies, folks who will never be missed They know who’s armed to the teeth, they’ll be coming for you Doing exactly what the…

  • Gaslighting

    I’m sick of democrat gaslighting, being treated like fools. Like we’re expected to believe lies, like it’s somekind of rule. Expected to deny what our eyes see and what our ears hear. I’m sick of being told things I see are not as they appear. I’m sick of the left’s manipulation, I’m tired of their…

  • Cooking One’s Goose

    Like father like son, the fruit never falls far from the tree. Joey and Hunter lie with aplomb, always nothing to see. Hunter lies before congress, It’s easier to deny and defy. To blame someone else, the Donald is usually that guy. Joe isn’t working for Hunter, Hunter is working for Joe. Joe pays him…

  • Demonrat Style

    No scruples, no conscience, what lie won’t he tell. What version of his untruth, is Joe trying to sell. No consideration of others, no foresight or hindsight. Nothing sounds honest, nothing sounds right. Full of nonsensical gibberish, his messages muddled. While he stands there like a moron, looking befuddled. He angers too easily, he always…

  • The Border’s Secure

    The border’s secure we hear Mayorkas say. Theres only 10,000 invaders crossing each day. All we need is more money, more men and more laws. We need you to let us, cram it all down your craws. If theres any drug problem, you can blame it on Trump. He’s our favorite scapegoat if we need…

  • Chinese Enabler

    The Chinese see what we see, They’re licking their chops. They can’t believe that Joe Biden is where the buck stops. They see a weakling, a poser, a bed-wetting schmuck. If he got his ducks in a row, it would be only dumb luck. They can see Joe’s vacant eyes, how he shuffles around. How…

  • Commonsense Defied

    Take “your truth” and shove it, I won’t hear it anymore. Since your abandoned scruples flew right out your door. Who are you to claim “your truth” is superior to mine. “Your truth” is always lies, straight on down the line. You promise folks you’re honest, that’s another damn lie. You want to see how…

  • The Evil These Men Do

    Evil grows exponentially, keeping pace with insanity. God must be disgusted seeing the worst of humanity. Lucifer’s minions run rampant, we watch and despair. The Bible teaches a great lesson and so many don’t care. Every where good people look, there are horrors to behold. Evil now lives in the open, a part of life…

  •  America: The land of plenty to steal, and free giveaways. Absolutely no money is needed, the democrat way. Feel free to steal, our laws are meant to be broken. So come to America, fearless leader Biden has spoken. We will feed you, clothe you, put roofs over your heads. We’ll pauperize American citizens to…