Category: rants

  • From the Top Down

    Hunter’s been indicted, he says it’s killing his dad. Most American’s are thinking, that’s too frigging bad. Hunter says the GOP wants him dead, I want him in jail. It’s the best way to detox, going cold-turkey won’t fail. Just like some tweeker, he blames everyone but himself. It’s not my fault, him and his…

  • Tell Me Please

    I chucked one up for Biden, the bile he crams down my throat. He makes me sick with his pandering, always looking for votes. How many idiots are there, how many fools can a college churn out. Who does the thinking for Biden, who tells him what he’s about. Who took the meaning of life…

  • I’m So Happy

    The democrats have convinced me that I’m much better off. I must admit the kool-aid is tasty from the democrat trough. Their lies seem more believable, their pipedreams attainable. Paying off our national debt is a goal seeming obtainable. My cupboards only look empty the first day of the week. But when I get my…

  • Global Smarming

    The heat, the heat, the crybabies cry. The climate is changing, look at the sky. The clouds appear to be boiling, roiling around. We all hear them sizzling, down here on the ground. The ground is too hot, our feet are on fire. The world is quickly becoming our funeral pyre. The sky is melting,…

  • Bu**er Off

    Equivocating, pussyfooting around, nothing but lies on which they expound. expostulating, nay-sayers all, too much damn bullsh*t stuck to the wall. Accomplished thieves, nighttime or day, they let us earn it then take it away. Insincere smiles, shedding fake tears, when really needed, no one appears. Gladhanding extroverts, quick with false praise, detriments to society,…

  • Controlled

    Joe Biden wants a ceasefire, what does Joe Biden fear. Who the hell’s whispering in Joe Biden’s Cowardly ear. Who is Biden beholding to, does Joe have pals in Iran. Are they the ones behind our surrender in Afghanistan. Was Joe offered a substantial payoff he couldn’t refuse. Why else would he abandon our ally,…

  • Democrat Thanksgiving

    Democrats are thankful for abortion, denying babies life’s breath. They’re thankful for money mad doctors that put babies to death. They’re thankful for the transgender agenda destroying young lives. They’re thankful for the public schools where this nonsense thrives. Democrats are thankful for the idiots who believe lies over truth. Thankful for the college professors…

  • Gall + Balls

    Gas prices are falling, whoop-de-doo, for how long. Its just a good way to distract us from what’s going on. When gas prices go down, food goes through the roof. Folks watch their savings disappear just like that ‘poof’. We’re told life is good, that bidenomics is doing great. Maybe the fools who believe that…

  • Justice Awaits

    Slither off into your deserved infamy, you bitter old skank. You’re like a depraved piranha, circling in a shark tank. No one wants to hear you spew your hatefilled opinions. No one watches your interviews with like minded minions. You’re a failed politician trying to repair your legacy. Still making excuses for losing, you should…

  • We All Know It’s True

    Teach kids to be stupid, then tell them they’re smart. Show them cute animations, brainwash from the start. Show them fake children, don’t blame the teachers. Teach them religion is bad, especially those preachers. Why protect the children if you want grown up fools. To get brainwashed morons you start in grade schools. It’s a…