Category: rants

  • Please Mr. Biden

    I suffer from climate anxiety, I’m a clueless democrat wuss. I’m too stupid to think for myself, but I’m not gonna shush. I’m afraid if I buy my own house, climate change will destroy it. Climate deniers say “that’s life” that’s because they’re all racist. I want government to protect me, save me from this…

  • Oh No! They Wouldn’t

    Instigating a race war, demonrats wouldn’t do that. Oh no! They’re America’s good guys, see their white hats. Cramming communism down our throats, isn’t them. They’re our idiot savants, the creme de la creme. Always reporting fake news? Not the purveyors of truth. There aren’t any twofaced a-holes in MSM broadcast booths. Kid-grooming in classrooms,…

  • Time For a Rant

    I’m sick of the demonrat bullsh*t, that gets worse every day. Loaded on thicker and thicker, with us expected to pay. Pay for their stupid agendas, that destroy our own dreams. Pay for the taxdollars squandered, fulfilling their schemes. I’m sick of their lies and denials, their hypocritical crap. How the much deserved payback never…

  • The Nitty-Gritty

    His drool’s turned corrosive, just like his thoughts. His circuits are misfiring, brain tied up in knots. He panders to zombies, he promises brains. He thrives on chicanery and hordes illgotten gains. His smile is twisted, his grin a rictis of death. Like a fish out of water, he gasps with each breath. His visage…

  • The DNC Playbook

    The fear mongerers are back, with a new covid scare. Much ado about nothing, the typical demonrat fare. A year away from the election, we must be locked down. It worked so well the last time in every city and town. The hypocrites attack on democracy, is well under way. We the people are chumps…

  • Who the Hell Are They

    Who are these a*sholes, these ungodly backstabbing fools. Who always press ahead blithely creating their own rules. Always ready to let fly aspersions, so quickly casting blame. Always with foregone conclusions, destroying good names. Obfuscating their true intentions, behind smoke and mirrors. Always spinning the truth, with fake news and mongered fears. Who are these…

  • No Defence Pence

    Knowing his campaign’s going nowhere, Pence’s true colors come out. His despicable rino tendencies, shows what Pence is truly about. Another politician without scruples, another knife in our backs. What’s the payoff selling out to the devil and the damn demoquacks. Is it another sell out for big money, is it a play for his…

  • Hardy Har Pshaw!

    At the core of our problems, there sits a buffoon. One that wasn’t elected, yet still calls the tune. Eighty one million votes, I say hardy har pshaw. This clueless maroon has been stuck down our craw. He’s Barack’s final legacy, I will always blame Obama. It’s his fault we’re stuck with Joe Biden and…

  • It Goes Around, It Comes Around

    Fair advantages cannot be allowed, everybody can’t win. The democrats must retain power, they must cheat again. They must go to their think tanks, and unending scheming. If they lose all we’ll hear is their wailing and screaming. They will ignore the constitution in their theft of elections. They will bring back covid with lockdowns…

  • The Set-Up

    The commie horde’s ready, Jinping is looking about. Looking for easy targets, whose leaders sold out. He has Joe in his pocket, already doing his bidding. Xi’s flexing his muscles, Joe’s at the beach, how befitting. Xi’s looking at Tiawan, he’s threatening the Philippines. Building bases in the South China Sea, spreading his wings. He’s…