Category: Kamala

  • Kamala Shameonya

    She has a right to her delusion, a right to spread her deceit.If she wants her own grand illusion we should all take a seat.Let us be properly entertained by her diatribes of new lies.By her new game of thrones and the cast our Treasury buys.She has a right to make an effort, to make…

  • An Allegory

    The Hyena was cackling, munching on America’s bones.The vultures were circling waiting for some of their own.The Obama’s were watching, hungrily licking their lips.The hyena chowed down as the victims’s blood dripped.The views witches arrived hoping for fresh meat for the pot.Joe Biden was jealous, never pleased with leftovers he got.Nancy Pelosi slithered up, just…

  • Tell It Like It Is

    How many illegal aliens are responding to polls, saying they’re voting for Kamala helps reach her goals.a form of election Interference, the d-rats aren’t dumb,stupidity’s not the same as being illegal swamp scum.Ten fools working together can dream up new schemes,can plot lots of ways to destroy the American dream.We know the left can’t be…

  • The Partnerships

    She came, she saw, she cackled, she was a bad egg.The first time she met Joe Biden, she said “Break a leg”Then she laughed, oh she laughed, she loves a good joke.In the back of her mind wishing the old man would croak. A couple created in Hell, a partnership of convenience.Powered by a hate…

  • Let’s Hope Not

    The left pulls no punches when they glorify their new fools.There’s no such thing as a rule book, if there aren’t any rules.They allow gross deception and the lies quickly spread.They prefer working with mental midgets or the braindead.They love a candidate like Kamala, she fills all the niches.She’s on a par with Hillary and…