Category: GENERAL

  • A Cure For All

    Hungry, hungry, Haitians, sitting down for dinner.They found a goose and cooked it, with leftover weinersThey’re guests in our fair country, we’ve set a sumptuous table.A good life has been made available, they also get free cable.Our poor little putty-tats are quickly learning not to roam.When the front door is left open they learned it’s…

  • Philosophy’s

    I have a core philosophy, “Life begins at Conception”The left only pushes unfounded misconceptions.What kind of Godfearing mother, wants to murder her baby.What kind of doctor would accommodate such a lady.A baby is only a lump of tissue, what crap to believe.What do they think happens every time they concieve.Maybe more education is needed, some…

  • Possibilities

    Born with such great possibilities, into a family that cared.Nurtured in love and devotion, that the whole family shared.I was told I had such promise, told my future was bright.I grew strong and straight, surrounded by the gospel’s light.I thrived in the gospel, I took Christ’s teachings to heart.My dream was to be a missionary,…

  • Kamala Shameonya

    She has a right to her delusion, a right to spread her deceit.If she wants her own grand illusion we should all take a seat.Let us be properly entertained by her diatribes of new lies.By her new game of thrones and the cast our Treasury buys.She has a right to make an effort, to make…

  • Makining the Cut

    For 72 years I’ve been watching time pass,A constant flood of jackass after jackass.more hackjob politicians are elected each year,it cost’s significantly more for a 12 pack of beer.I can’t afford groceries, they’ve risen by 1,000 percent,I moved out of my house, I live downtown in a tent.I often sit pondering where the hell the…

  • What’s Up With That

    Trump campaigned for two years, Kamala campaigned for a day.She collected nearly 200 million, the Smurf thing was a good play.There’s something rotten in Doucheland, it stinks to high Hell.There’s some kind of campaign shenanigans, some kind of shill.Kamala didn’t get a single damn vote, not a single endorsement.Not one damn word in passing from…

  • Playing Stud

    He took off his kerchief and flashed his big grin,saying if you want a shot at this pot, best ante in.The cards may be bent but the whole deck is here,I’m not as much of a scaliwag as I may appear.I don’t deal from the bottom, no spring up my sleeveit’s not like playing the…

  • High Adventure

    We were still doing fall roundup at the beginning of June.Working out of the rockhouse pretty close to the moon.The stars covered us like a blanket, we froze our buns.We had an old Franklin stove where the cooking was done.Myself and old Shorty, doing the work of ten other men.Riding day after long day in…

  • Something New

    I’ve rode one range to many, my ass is chapped.I’ve lost too many barfights, I’m too old to scrap.I’ve chased lots of mavericks, broke too many broncs.Thrown for a doozy, before I was stomped.I’ve taken too many punches and kicks to the head.I get so damn loopy I can’t recall what I’ve said.I’ve been over…

  • Out For a Walk

    It was a beautiful day, I went for a walk,I took a self guided tour around my block.My neighbors were fighting, nothing new,lots of cursing and yelling, a gunshot or two.I heard sirens wailing, coming awful fast,I thought “What the Hell” as they sailed past.I heard glass breaking, a window on my left,Another auto burglary,…