Category: GENERAL

  • The Demonrat Crew

    Who’s taking the money, who sold their souls. Who has sold out America, for communist goals. Who in the hell can be trusted besides Kari Lake. Who else stands up for America, who is not on the take. There’s too much big money, too many soulless elites. Too many bad actors, who need to feel…

  • Chinese Enabler

    The Chinese see what we see, They’re licking their chops. They can’t believe that Joe Biden is where the buck stops. They see a weakling, a poser, a bed-wetting schmuck. If he got his ducks in a row, it would be only dumb luck. They can see Joe’s vacant eyes, how he shuffles around. How…

  • Happy Campers

    Render unto demonrats, that which isn’t theirs. Thank them for relieving us of everyone’s fair share. Their misthought good intentions pave their path to Hell. Ain’t no one who is buying the bullsh*t they all sell. Thank them for buying votes with our hardearned dough. We’re so happy having nothing, let the good times roll.…

  • The Opposition

    They line up to be lied to, they love watching fake news. When the truth’s laid out before them, it’s the lie they choose. They’re the smart stupid people, know nothing know-it-alls. What they consider courageous, is removing their balls. What they touch turns to crap, what they say doesn’t matter. They seem to be…

  • My Covenant

    Jesus Said to love my enemies, so that’s what I’ll do. I will not respect them, because of the evil they eschew. We are all children of God, our covenants were the same . So I will oppose their ideology, I will honor Christ’s name. I will not believe Satan’s lies, nor will I follow…

  • Commonsense Defied

    Take “your truth” and shove it, I won’t hear it anymore. Since your abandoned scruples flew right out your door. Who are you to claim “your truth” is superior to mine. “Your truth” is always lies, straight on down the line. You promise folks you’re honest, that’s another damn lie. You want to see how…

  • Isn’t It Obvious

    The hypocrisy is outrageous, from these demented cowards. The sordid aspersions they’re casting from their ivory towers. Without any self-circumpection, it reflects on themselves. The depths of hypocrisy into which wise men never delve. The actions of stupid smart people, misbegotten swamp scum. Caught up in TDS syndrome, they can’t quit beating that drum. They’re…

  • The Way of It

    Nightmarish deception from a satanic clown. One whose response to failure is doubling down. Going to unheard of extremes, to deceive and disarm. With anger and chutzpah, he thinks of as charm. Delivering moot messages, rehashing old lies. In the face of commonsense is where the fool flies. He dreams the same pipedreams of Mao…

  • Another Good Show

    His bowels loosened and his diaper filled. He then blamed Trump for the ungodly smell. His piehole opened and the garbage spewed. Anyone listening knew that we were screwed. He looked around, not sure where he was. He shuffled around in circles like he usually does. He scratched his head, he concentrated hard. He reached…

  • Forever Dumb

    May your piehole keep on flapping, may your bell always be rung. May you go on sitting uncaringly, in your diaper full of dung. May you continue to make promises, you have no intent to keep. May you always cherish the nightmares, Satan sends you in your sleep. May your lies never catch up to…