Category: GENERAL

  • How It Might Be

    If the leftists are insane, where does that leave us. It leaves us to be crushed under their careening bus. If the left spreads nothing but lies, what can we do. We can listen and take heed, and try something new. If leftists have no scruples, if they live in the gutter. How should we…

  • The Die is Cast

    Who let the dope into the white house, who left the coke in the cubby. If it wasn’t his son Hunter Biden, that means it was Jill Biden’s hubby. Who’s the white houses big sniffer, who sticks his nose everywhere. Who besides his son Hunter, is packing snow and blow up in there. Who’s the…

  • Selling Out

    Cojones nonexistent, always too quick to give in. The GOP snatches defeat from the jaws of victory again. Winning is not in their playbook, they never stand firm. If offered an easy way out, they’re quick to confirm. Money’s more powerful than any convictions they have. It can ease a bad conscience, like a miraculous…

  •  America: The land of plenty to steal, and free giveaways. Absolutely no money is needed, the democrat way. Feel free to steal, our laws are meant to be broken. So come to America, fearless leader Biden has spoken. We will feed you, clothe you, put roofs over your heads. We’ll pauperize American citizens to…

  • 2024 in a Nutshell?

    The democrats will double down on corruption, another stolen election denied. Another month will be wasted and ruined, as we’re force-fed the lie of gay pride. The world will be one step closer to war, With Joes puppetmaster making the calls. Anyone wanting to slow down it’s progress, will be banging their heads on the…

  • Souless Christmas

    The tofu turkey was to die for, the grasshopper pie was divine. The cranberry sauce was replaced with a tasty green slime. Eggnog was only a vessel, for drinks made with coconut milk. The only thing on the telly was trash from the Hollywood ilk. Christmas is now being mocked, many Americans no longer care.…

  • Hopefully

    He thinks he sweeps the floor with his enemies. He carries knives for the backs of his frenemies. His once silver tongue is now forked and tarnished. Everything he touches is left in squalor and carnage. His dream for America, is a man-made disaster. His shuffling gait takes him nowhere much faster. His life has…

  • Who We Are

    The clock keeps ticking, time barrels along. Day after day, we hear the same insipid song. The words mouthed by idiots, repeated by fools. Swallowed by morons, taught in our schools. Day after day the sun rises and sets in the west. The earth’s bounty is ours, we have been blessed. Some know the way…

  • Making Sense of Madness

    I’m falling behind, thank God for Joe’s plan. I want to be happy with nothing as fast as I can. I’m slowly starving as all my cupboards go bare. I can’t wait to be happy when I’m existing on air. Even if I wanted to, I can no longer go to the store. My car…

  • Doctor Doctor

    My doctor checked out my throat and was shocked what he saw. He asked, who’s been cramming all this bullsh*t down your craw. Well I said, I think it was Biden, Barack, of course the MSM news. Probably all those clueless dingbats who share asinine views. There’s probably some kangaroo courts, and fools like Jack…