Category: GENERAL

  • What Open Eyes See

    Intersectional hogwash, inconceivable dreams. Inclusivity and diversity, what does it all mean. It means they pander to idiots, morons and fools. The ones parents send to be brainwashed in our schools. No skill is needed to screw with kids brains. For the amount of money wasted, nothing is gained. Nothing but more democrat shills, more…

  • The Right Path

    Born with great possibilities, into a family that cared. Bathed in love and devotion, that everyone shared. I had such promise, I was told I had a bright future. I believed I was special, surrounded by love I was nurtured. I grew strong and straight, a good christian upbringing. I thrived in the gospel, loved…

  • Does Joe Even Know

    His mind was warped, the mirror wasn’t cracked. His discernment nonexistant, cognition lacked. He pushed forward cluelessly, awash in self doubt. Always shuffling in circles, what was he about. He spoke in a whisper, alternating with screams. With his head up his butt, what were his dreams. He always listened intently to the bugs in…

  • It’s Happening

    Biden was feeling surrounded, the hounds closing in. Angry scowls were replacing his pleasant rictis-like grin. Good old Uncle Joe, America’s lunch bucket hero. Was on the verge of becoming an American Nero. He wanted to burn the place down, set the world on fire. Every day he was losing more of his ballyhooed choir.…

  • An Awakening

    He ungirded his loins, he shucked his jive. He went to bed woke and awakened alive. Caught in a quandary, he couldn’t blame Trump. Scratching his head, he took a quick dump. Relieved of his load, he was tickling his balls. Laughing uproariously, bouncing off walls. Feeling enlightened, he was walking on air. He felt…

  • Global Smarming

    The heat, the heat, the crybabies cry. The climate is changing, look at the sky. The clouds appear to be boiling, roiling around. We all hear them sizzling, down here on the ground. The ground is too hot, our feet are on fire. The world is quickly becoming our funeral pyre. The sky is melting,…

  • Bipartisanship

    Taking the high road, doesn’t mean selling out. Thinking bipartisanship is what democrats are about. Democrat policies are anathema to what’s right. Enabling their bulls**t brings on communist blight. They won’t work with you so why work with them. Why jump into a whirlpool and then try to swim. Don’t get sucked into lies and…

  • Into the Morass

    Freedom of the press, gone, replaced by freedom to lie. Freedom of religion replaced by commie pie in the sky. Trial by a jury of your peers, is now biased justice for some. Public education has regressed into making kids dumb. Morals are disappearing, today it seems anything goes. Washington D.C. has become a cesspool,…

  • Joe’s Dilemma

    Down in the weeds where snakes like to slither. Joe Biden shuffles along his mind in a dither. Looking for divine inspiration, Joe hears only Barack. Or his son Hunter calling, always wanting more crack. Joe hears Obama in one ear, Hunter in the other. Come night he lays in his crib, crying for his…

  • Mommy & Linda Lou

    There was a little girl, her name was Linda Lou. Mommy took her out of grade school to teach her something true. Mommy took away her schoolbooks and made her wear a dress. She had to be deprogrammed, her mind was such a mess. Linda Lou’s head was full of nonsense no child should be…