Category: GENERAL

  • Ending the Nonsense

    Bury Hamas in their tunnels, collapse the whole evil place. Raze the Gaza sh*thole to the ground, don’t leave a trace. Israel knows what it’s doing, Joe Biden doesn’t know squat. He’s nothing but a puppet, a flunkie of anti-semitic Barrack. Hamas hides behind children, the act of moraless cowards. Gaza is an evil cesspool…

  • America’s Covenant

    The bar has been lowered, the roof has been raised. There is a sickness in America, a leftist malaise. The wackjobs are energized, the fools on parade. They’re marching and chanting, the usual charade. They don’t speak arabic, they don’t understand sh*t. They hear the Hamas lies and buy every damn bit. Our schools are…

  • Can We, Should We

    Can we get honest reporting from a biased main stream media. Can we trust any information solicited from a woke wikipedia. Is there anyone we can trust, can we get any straight answers. When the party in power has been subverted by the marxist cancer. They have no qualms about lying, it’s only a means…

  • Who The Hell Are They

    Like a dog with a bone, demonrats bury the truth. They lie about everything, especially to our youth. The younger the dumber, the easier to persuade. They mold those young minds until an idiots made. Minds filled with mush, with flapping pieholes. Willing, without any coercion selling Satan their souls. Non-binary nothings, confused little twerps.…

  • Wasted Days

    Biden wasn’t becoming, the fool was far gone. He misread the teleprompter, he then carried on. He answered one question, flying into a rage. Then an invisible hook yanked his a*s off the stage. He was drug back to the basement, his diaper was changed. They fed him some pudding, not thinking it strange. He…

  • Speaking Truth

    Something seemed odd, something didn’t make any sense. Besides Joe with his head up his a*s trying to straddle the fence. Something seemed wrong in America, a rot in our schools. They’d become diploma mills for idiots, anti-American fools. Professors brainwash students into believing that evil is good. That Hamas killers are justified, and Israel…

  • Joe vs The Prompter

    Joe fought the prompter, and the prompter won. Joe hasn’t a clue what he’s reading but he rambles on. Joe fought the prompter and it tied his tongue. He stands there gibbering like his bell’s been rung. The prompter treats Joe like a redheaded stepson. Joe thinks to himself, wheres my damn shotgun. Joe fought…

  • Joe’s At It Again

    Should the Israeli’s stop bombing hospitals they haven’t bombed. Should they let Hamas murder israelis with total aplomb. Shouldn’t they be allowed to seek vengeance, an eye for an eye. Shouldn’t they be free to kill terrorists and see them all die. Why is Biden so wishy-washy, should he be playing both sides. Why can’t…

  • Netanyahu:A Real Man

    In his eyes we see Netanyahu is thinking, “Woe is us” This Joe Biden buffoon is throwing Israel under the bus. It sounds like he’s in bed with Iran, with a knife for our back. Everything Garbled Crock said is true about this demoquack. He sits here speaking gibberish, completely insincere. There must be something…

  • A Cogent Depiction

    His blithering dithering, his withering wit, leads me to the conclusion, Joe’s full of sh*t.His insipid grinning, his lost, vacant stare,Joe tries to convince us he’s so debonaire.His cute little two-step, proves Joe’s in good health,his endearing nickname for Jill, his cute little milf.Joe’s the man of the hour, the fool of the year,the fool…