Category: GENERAL

  • Two Stories In One

    The prices keep rising, the packages shrink, whiskey’s now cheaper than water to drink. It’s bidenomics in action, gruel for the fools, lies from the White House where stupidity rules. Joe’s going to Israel, should we be asking why, will he tell the Knesset, how Beau Biden died. Is he there as a message boy…

  • GOP Problems

    The republicans look weak, who would have thought. They never seem happy with any advantage they’ve got. Always infighting, backbiting and nothing gets done. They can’t come together on a single thing under the sun. We the people get shafted, the democrats get a good laugh. The GOP goes on with the clown show, unaware…

  • What Me, Worry

    It’s not unusual to be dissed by everyone, to be blamed for everything they’ve ever done. It’s not strange to think folks are more than weird, when seen weeping fake tears in salted beers. It’s not unheard of to show commonsense, instead of proving you’re demonrat dense. Its not uncommon being criticized by fools. for…

  • Young, Dumb, Scum

    A third of American’s can’t separate evil from good. Most of them young, stupid, from liberal hoods. Brainwashed by professors and watching fake news. Fools who have no idea what it means to pay dues. Hate and reverse racism, pounded into their heads. They don’t search for the truth and don’t take thier meds. Their…

  • The Choice

    What good is a government, that’s not there to help. That will cast you aside like an unwanted whelp. What good are the empty self-serving words we all hear. That bombard us with messages that monger to fear. What good are politicians who have subverted their wills. To fulfilling ungodly agendas that will take them…

  • Keeping Up With Joe

    Spunky Joe Biden, the most on his toes president, anyone’s known. It would be nice if Joe’s MAGA detractors just left him alone. Fit as a fiddle, sharp as a tack, might be better if he were a lesbian black. He needs to be shown our respect, we need to cut Joe some slack. Joe…

  • Agenda Destruction?

    Expectations have fallen, trust no longer exists. The DOJ punishes democrats, with slaps on the wrist. Fearless leader keeps walking, sometimes falling down. His hair never gets ruffled under his usurpers crown. His back is well covered, his lies turned into truth. There’s too many demonrats in MSM broadcast booths. Hunter’s brain is still addled,…

  • Banning the Truth

    Foxnews has gone by the wayside, CNN is fleeing the scene. Fair and honest reporting no longer means a damn thing. The Main Stream Media has become completely onesided. Their objective seems to be seeing our great country divided. We no longer have a free press, we have a press free to tell lies. We…

  • His Name is Legion

    Our attention is caught by his shiny baubles, his filthy lucre flows freely to all. Buying into the lies of a practiced deceiver, is like banging your head on the wall. His promises are nothing but bait, cast out to the masses like chum. His purpose is turning believers, into drug addled communist scum. He’s…

  • The Rant Goes On

    We’re sick of intrusive government, regulations out the wazoo. The nanny state’s interference in every damn thing we do. We aren’t allowed to run our own lifes without their permission. We’re being forced into corners, being forced into submission. We’re still allowed to have cars, but we can’t afford any gas. We have a now…