Category: GENERAL

  • A Tribute to Biden

    Perfectly fitting for these the end times, our country’s awash in immigrant crimes. Here at our wide open southern border shall stand, A monument to a madman welcoming aliens to our land. Arms spread wide open with his head up his a*s, Giving the enemies of America a free pass. He cares not who’s coming…

  • Prepping Joe

    Biden saw a fool in his mirror, panicked, he asked who it was. Jill said, “It looks like the fool on the hill, at least that’s the buzz” “He must have snuck in the bathroom, when you weren’t aware” I’m sure this isn’t the first time, you’ve seen the fool there” “It’s time to get…

  • Ageless Buffoonery

    The word BUFFOON is a perfect match for John Fetterman. A LOONEY-TUNE GOON, a a real brain-fettered man. Schumer’s quick to cater to idiots and suck up to dumbshIts. What passes for democrat leaders are despicable twits. McConnell’s a clown but he should be given some kind of pass. He’s well into his eighties and…

  • Oh No! They Wouldn’t

    Instigating a race war, demonrats wouldn’t do that. Oh no! They’re America’s good guys, see their white hats. Cramming communism down our throats, isn’t them. They’re our idiot savants, the creme de la creme. Always reporting fake news? Not the purveyors of truth. There aren’t any twofaced a-holes in MSM broadcast booths. Kid-grooming in classrooms,…

  • Hear! Hear!

    Romney’s not running for reelection, what’s on his plate now. He finally got the message, he’s not Utahs sacred cow. He’s a used up pig in a poke, a carpetbagging Boston creep. A snake oil salesman, who put Utah republicans to sleep. What could be on his plate now, maybe a job on fake news.…

  • What I Can’t Do

    I don’t understand the a*s-backwards reasoning, used by the left. I can’t stand the self righteous hypocisy at which they’re adept. It’s their way of casting aspersions, of bearing false witness. Their way of winning the argument, it’s how they conduct business. Piling on the weak and the innocent, getting coerced confessions. The typical demonrat…

  • A Drop in the Bucket

    A trillion dollars is only one thousand billion. One tenth of one percent of a measley quadrillion. Might as well call one grain of sand one U.S. dollar. With trucks full of sand, we’d be living in squalor. What’s the use of tons of money, if you can’t lug it around. As useless as a…

  • No Defence Pence

    Knowing his campaign’s going nowhere, Pence’s true colors come out. His despicable rino tendencies, shows what Pence is truly about. Another politician without scruples, another knife in our backs. What’s the payoff selling out to the devil and the damn demoquacks. Is it another sell out for big money, is it a play for his…

  • Why Serve Evil

    What is life without ethics, what is a worthless endeavor. When will it bring you respect, somewhere on the far side of never. What is life without morals, what is the wrong way to live. Will you pray for atonement, you can’t have too much to forgive. What is life without goals, or a life…

  • Politicians

    The GOP is disorganized, the demonrats stand together. The GOP fumbles around, demonrats are hellbent for leather. Too many GOP wusses, that seem to defend demonrats. Too many on both sides of the aisle are elitist fat cats. The GOP supposedly answers to voters, and try to be fair. The demonrats don’t listen, then profess…