Category: GENERAL

  • The Biden Malaise

    Fearless leaders on the beach, he’s kicking back. While the constitutions is under a commie attack. He hides in the basement, he tans on the beach. He hangs on for dear life, a bloodsucking leech. He’s working for China, he’s at their beck and call. Who knows what sick secrets, are in his thick skull.…

  • Damn The Corruptocrats

    Down with the corruptocrats, UP WITH THE PEOPLE. Down with these demonrats and their communist sheeple. Long live our constitution and patriots who defend her. Cast out the minions of the adversary, the pretender Down with the adherents of Satan, the truly impure. How much do the forces of evil think we will endure. Stand…

  • RamiswamPy

    Who is Vivek Ramiswampy, where is he from. Is it from the swamp, who’s beating the drums. Can the Vivek change its colors, change its tune. Convince us he’s a reformed democrat goon. He came out of nowhere, Poof! there he is. How can we be sure we’re not getting the biz. He says the…

  • Tootle-loo Hilary

    The hypocrisy is outrageous, Hilary The Hag has returned. We had the chance to make sure her bridges were burned. Why don’t these fools ever retire, why don’t they retire their lies. Why don’t they climb on their altars and lay down and die. Instead it’s like recycling old bullsh*t, with a new face lift.…

  • The Inanity of It

    Election rigging, government election interference. Don’t we have election laws, some form of deterence. Doesn’t the DOJ work for us, don’t we pay their wages. All of these fountains of knowledge, communist sages. Who can be trusted, on a ship of state full of fools. One straight from the bottom of America’s gene pools. Persecution…

  • Swept Away

    Donald Trump has been hosed, we the people are cheated. By these trumped up charges, meant to see Trump’s defeated. The Cabal is impressed with their actions, proud of their fraud. Running over the constitution and we the people roughshod. There is a God up in Heaven so this perfidy shall not stand. Democrats whistle…

  • Reading For Dummies

    Being Gay Doesn’t Mean I’m Happy — by — Barry Sotero Broonsticks: Transportation of the Future — by — Nancy Pelosi Making It Up as I Go Along — By — Alejandro Mayorkas Daddy Made Me Do It –by — Hunter Biden How I Slept My Way to the Vice-Presidency — by — Kamala Harris…

  • Democrat Deception

    Black Americans are dying, democrats are crying fake tears. Our inner cities are crime zones, democrats monger fears. Democrats are quick to virtue signal how they care so much. Yet inner city crime is a problem they’re unwilling to touch. They’re all about gun control, taking guns from good citizens. But Blacks killing Blacks, they…

  • What Not to Expect

    You think government owes us the truth, good luck with that. Our government is infested with self-serving demonrats. The truth is anathema, obsolete, when fools prefer hearing lies. The lies infect every part of society, impropriety’s on the rise. Its all about weaving those webs, that catch the unwary and old. Take advantage of the…

  • Say Who

    Thriving in ignorance, blossoming in the dark. Reveling in incompetence, circling like sharks. Hypocritical bastar*s, Quick casting blame. High handed morons, playing their games. Bootlicking gophers, serving their master. In their wake leaving, a long line of disasters. Employed with our money, we get nothing back. Smiling in our faces, soulless political hacks. Lifelong politicians,…