Category: GENERAL

  • Arbiters of Destruction

    Government can’t be the arbiter of truth, BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT LIES! The DOJ can’t decide who is guilty, but Merrick Garland sure tries. The FBI can’t harass the innocent, Christopher Wray laughs in our faces. Government by the people for the people, is not what President Biden embraces. We are not a one party system,…

  • Bidin’ With Barry

    Don’t be so condescending, Mr. Prsident, Sir. Us poor little peons have too much to endure. We don’t like being lorded over by a fool such as you. We don’t like being ignored by your communist crew. We see you’re important, we see your swelled heads. We see you care about Biden and secure his…

  • It’s the Weather Stupid

    The oceans are supposedly boiling, democrat heads are on fire. A million Chicken Littles are screaming, the situations most dire. Climate change aka weather, is going to be the cause of our deaths. As we’re pummeled and buffeted, as the heat deprives us of breath. Look to the east, look to the west, look to…

  • Ringing True

    If they say you’ll have nothing, will you give it all up? If they offer you poison, will you drink from their cup. When spouting their lies, will you lend them an ear. If they tell you to get lost, will you disappear. When they profess to be honest, will you believe. Are you willing…

  • Don’t Want to Hear It

    The price of water is soaring, not much cheaper than gas. Gas again is four dollars a gallon, we’re at an impasse. Inflation is not slowing down, we’re being gaslighted. Biden’s head is clear up his a*s, let’s hope it’s ignited. A large bag of chips now costs over seven damn dollars. No one trusts…

  • Persevering

    He grinned and he bared it, the fool shot the moon. They call it old white man charades I call it loony-tunes. Old geezers and pedophiles and drug addict scum. An old deenergized dummie always beating his gums. Buffoons come and go, some come bringing coke. Is it for Joe or for Hunter, is the…

  • Still Ranting

    Twerking for toddlers, ball sacks hanging low. Parents clapping and cheering such a sick show. The children are frightened, the parents amused. Having a ball, while their kids are being abused. They love pervert inclusivity, and all it involves. Including how a societies values quickly dissolve. The creep show goes on, the feckless fools cheer.…

  • No Accounting

    No accounting for the brains of eighty million Americans. Who gave us the Biden crime family and crew of barbarians. No accounting for the taste, of a clueless democrat base. No telling what they might do in an attempt to save face. No one knows who might get hurt, who might disappear. Who might still…

  • Whoops! There He Goes

    Look at Joe Biden, doesn’t he look chipper today. His skin has some color, it’s not as pale and gray. He still looks ghostly white, thin as a damn rail I’ve seen zombies look better after recrossing the veil. Did they recharge his batteries, he’s rarin’ to go. He’s shufflin’ around like he just did…

  • Evil Testosterone

    American’s are becoming weak, as the left sissifies young men. Strong moral men are mocked, as the leftists espouse living in sin. Women with commonsense and values are denigrated and mocked. Our children grow up being brainwashed, why is anyone shocked. The left claims there’s no trans agenda, their whole life is a lie. Who…