Category: GENERAL

  • Climate Change Idiots

    I don’t like local news weather, because of biased reporting. They use leftist talking points that are more than distorting. It’s weaponized weather, anything to push their agenda. Global warming aka climate change, sugarcoated with splenda. Fake news with fake weathermen, a devil spawned plot. My trust in those who used to be trusted is…

  • Evil in Carny

    Government supported impropriety, old evil engulfing the land. An agenda surely put forth by Satan, part of his evil plan. The last thing it sponsors is justice, honesty and righteous belief. The wages it offers adherents, is failure doom and eternal grief. It draws fools by the millions, drawn like flies to sugarcoated lies. Fools…

  • Education vs Programming

    In our institutions of higher learning is where stupidity thrives. Where tenured professors teach bullsh*t and worthless jive. A place where a persons value is judged by his or her skin. Where learning takes a back seat to partying and wallowing in sin. Educations is a misnomer, tuition funds wasted with naught in return. Kids…

  • The Teflon Don

    He’s destroyed paradise, let’s elect Gavin Newsome. He could run with Kennedy, a real terrible twosome. We’d have two, twofaced liars for a total of four faces. A slew of ignorant a-holes to crowd our sacred places. One stands for nothing, the other stood up for naught. The perfect replacement for the jackass we’ve got.…

  • Under the Bench

    He went the way of the world, expecting rainbows and skittles. He’d been endarkened and brainwashed, a fauning lickspittle. He had been radicalized, he was now searching for a cause. Just like his college professors he had no respect for the law. He camped by the roadside, he was trained to crap in plain sight.…

  • The Fast Track

    Is there a highway to Hell, the left hasn’t traveled. One not overcrowded with their typical rabble. A fast track for idiots and gibbering fools. For the groomers passing as teachers in our schools. For so called doctors getting rich murdering babies. For drag queen monsters who call themselves ladies. A fast track for traitors,…

  • Speculation? Tomorrows Reality?

    Who’s the sucker the White House is getting ready to chump. The coke bag with fingerprints, are they gonna blame Trump. Will they claim the cocaine has been there for over two years. Will this be the next obfuscation, the world is going to hear. If you can’t believe a damn thing, this administration puts…

  • It’s Bizarro

    Nothing seems to be real in the world of Bizzaro. It’s populated with morons like Anna Navarro. Ensconced in her ivory silo for the view from below. Who refuse to believe how much they don’t know. Her time is spent lying, kicking back in the sun. Cooking her brains until they’re way overdone. Then it’s…


    I’ve listened to to the words of a million fools. I’ve seen the breaking of ten million rules. I’ve learned perverts are grooming children in schools. I’ve seen Biden with children and how he drools. I’ve seen college taught idiots become commie tools. I’ve heard how Joe Biden plays with his stool. There’s an obvious…

  • The Life of Riley

    I joined the democrat party, wanting to revel in my stupidity. I wanted everyone on the right to openly mock my lucidity. My folks would be proud of my degrees I obtained with no skills. From schools my folks referred to as worthless diploma mills. My folks wouldn’t pay my tuition, I got a huge…