Category: GENERAL

  • Becoming Old News

    The faces of evil, the red eyed minions of Hell,danced in the furnace, loving the thrillThey don’t mind global warming, digging the heat,it’s all stupid talking points, intended deceit.30 trillion dollars to make the earth comfy and nice,to them breaking America isn’t to high a price.Bank Accounts filled, nests well feathered,gaslighting us when we know…

  • Rambling Man

    The old man south of Salt Lake whose saving’s are gone,lives on a weakened foundation like the legs he stands on.His spiritual foundation provides him with mental support,with all of his temporal needs he’s always coming up short.The comestibles he requires, cost more than his available dough.each day he finds himself buried deeper in an…

  • I Feel Burdened

    We must unburden ourselves of what’s never been,we must drive the commies from our lives once again.We must dump their agendas, laugh in their faces,unburden ourselves of them crowding our spaces.We must unburden ourselves of comical clowns,we must be merciful and shut the fools down.How can we be unburdened of what we don’t need,yet always…

  • My Calling

    I’ve seen the fabled elephant, I’ve watched it breaking down.It’s a*s being kicked by jackas*es, in every major town.It needs to get behind the Donald, to throw him it’s support.It needs to crush those murderers, the doctors who abort.To place them behind the eightball, wipe out abortion mills.To boycott all those drug companies supplying abortion…

  • Pride Goes Before a Fall

    As the world melts down, we broadcast our weakness.We no longer show strength, we bargain through meekness.We’re more concerned with transgenderism and LGBTQ.We’re not worried about a damn thing our enemies might doThe demonrats aren’t acting worried, our army’s okay.Diversity and inclusion is how we fill the ranks today.The Chinese and Iranians are hungrily licking…

  • Biden Recalls

    Take this job and shove it, I ain’t running anymore.Kick me to the curbside and give it to some whore.I worked to win the primary, that’s the way it works.I’ve been dissed by my own party, a bunch of frigging jerks.I did everything they wanted, I sucked up to those creeps.The Obama’s with their drama…

  • Assault on the Truth

    The left’s assault on the truth is under way,is Kamala black, south Asian or Jamaican today.She looks white to me, or maybe cafe au lait.whatever she is it’s racist word games they play.Her racism’s disgusting, her hate in plain sight,I watch this woman knowing she ain’t too bright.She panders to nationalities, just like Old Joe,whatever’s…

  • I Love Democrats

    I like the idea of being united with demonrat fools.I like to hear empty promises from marxist tools.I love being blamed for their chaos and division. Their respect for Americans that sounds like derision.I’m a big fan of Joe Biden, the best president ever.The way perservering was his constant endeavor.Joe is such a great patriot,…

  • Kamala’s Praises

    Kamala is special, the salt of the earth,she cackles insanely at her own mirth.Kamala’s a genius, much wiser than Joe,she think’s she’s so funny. a hearty ho ho.You can’t trust a wackjob, you can’t trust a whore,but Kamala is special, she’s so much more.She loves Michelle, she’s got a thing for Barack,she isn’t aware there’s…

  • I Predict

    I predict Joe Biden will sulk for the rest of his life.I predict Joe’s shoulder to cry on will be Bill Clinton’s wife.I predict Nancy Pelosi will throw her dentures in the ring.I predict Whoopi Goldberg will do, you know, the thing.I predict gnashing of teeth and the pulling of hair.As Biden’s true blues wring…