Category: GENERAL

  • Kick Scum to the Curb

    The trannies moved on to their other charades. I’m glad they’re so proud of their ungodly parades. Now they can go forward with twisting young minds. Destroying parents dreams, teaching lies of all kinds. Children are susceptable, to their evil claptrap. The demonic bullsh*t that spews from their yaps. Drag Queens let their hair down,…


    Senator Schumer is thinking, he’s scratching his head. Did he have a stray thought and then lost the thread. He’s sporting a grandfatherly look behind his specs. He’s a fixture in the senate, that no one respects. Chuck and Romney are buddies, they keep many secrets. Who knows what’s hidden, in the closets of twits.…

  • Musings of a Madman

    What about my rights? Joe Biden was thinking. As he smiles at AG, Merrick Garland, silently winking. I’m guilty till you say I’m innocent, and file no charges. Even though there’s enough proof to fill several barges. Why should I be worried, I know you’ve got my back. The same goes for Hunter, wink wink,…

  • Panic in the Swamp

    The swamp protects the swamp, They’re birds of a feather. What do we expect Wray to say? They’re all in it together? Wray isn’t going to talk, it’s another GOP exercise in futility. These weasels protect each other, like some corrupt nobility. There’s nothing noble about them, they’re a commie cabal. All of them protecting…

  • Still Proud

    I’m proud to be an American, except at times like these. When our president, the traitor, sold us out to the Chinese. He took our trust in government and threw it in our face. While hiding in the basement, in his favorite safe space. When justice is only words, used when pandering for votes. When…

  • Back on Track

    Everyone likes a good laugh, is that why we have Biden. It’s all a sick twisted joke, watching the Uniter, dividin’ Who’s pulling his strings, whose hand’s up his backside. Who’s the fool who advised Joe to get down with pride. To bring the pervs to the White House, to honor their evil. To honor…

  • On The Beach

    Joe Biden at the Beach, was it meant to impress. Or meant to inspire pity, seeing Biden undressed. A fishbelly pale old man, showing off his weak arms. Thinking he still has, his vanished youthfull charms. He packed in his own stuff, a 2 pound beach chair. He didn’t even carry it, he dragged it…

  • The Rat Race

    Turn over more Washington rocks, what will we find. More demonic critters and rats of all types and kinds. Rats like the Bidens, brazenly denned up in the White House. It’s like a soap opera, the place should be deloused. We’ll find the FBI is infested, by a colony of big evil rats. Wray’s belfry…

  • Mr. Mulvain-He

    Don’t you feel sorry for Dylan, the poor thing cries in it’s beer. He says he isn’t complaining, in truth it seems pretty clear. It sounds like he’s boobing and whining, playing the victim game. Maybe he should sue himself, for putting his dumb a*s to shame. He made money for drinking Bud Light, he…

  • Watching Joe

    His thoughts seeking relevance, gushed forth from his piehole. Lies meant to lend credence ,to his insanity, an impossible goal. No one present was listening, their minds focused far away. They had heard this claptrap before, same BS, different day. He wanted to force them to listen, he thought to cut off their ears. He…