Category: GENERAL

  • Seeing the Forest

    I see the forest, I see the trees, I see them both and I think geesh. Fools who can’t see one for the other, must be smoking hashish. Same as saying, can’t hear the truth through the unending lies. Maybe you don’t get the joke but stupidly still slap your thighs. The democrats are recruiting,…

  • Old Glory

    This day is for honoring heroes, no time for democrat lies. We honor the Declaration of Independence, when Old Glory flies. We don’t need to hear speeches that don’t come from the heart. Or overused promises, that were nothing but lies from the start. It is our time to celebrate, this great Republic we call…

  • Who’s the man

    A man to admire, a man deserving respect, a self righteous buffoon, an old derelict. A great unifier, he brings us together, so quick to recognize a change in the weather. Full of compassion, no on’es more caring, So quick on his feet, such bravado so daring. Chock full of wisdom, willing to share, so…

  • House of Cards

    Why take care of ourselves, when the nanny state does it better. Why not give in to the communists and let our free will be fettered. Does Joe Biden seem harmless, like good old lunch bucket Joe. Or is he propped up as a puppet, someone else running the show. Joe Biden couldn’t run anything,…

  • Marxist Training Centers

    Blacks must go to college to be brainwashed by demonrats. If not, it’s racist discrimination by those wearing MAGA hats. Blacks deserve special treatment, no other applicants matter. Especially Orientals, Indians and those MAGA mad hatters. Affirmative action or racism, is preferred by professors. Those racist hypocrites, who believe blacks are their lessors. The Supremes…

  • Flat Earth or Bad Movie

    The Flat Earth Society has gone way over the edge. is it true the earth’s really flat, like these fools allege. I’ve heard some dumb shit, but Dave takes the cake. What a bunch of stupid conclusions he wants us to make. I wasn’t born yesterday and I’m not high on meth. He thinks he’s…

  • The Whole Truth

    Hey there, white demonrats, what have you done. You’ve got all these poor black folks pretty well spun. You’ve fed them so many lies, they don’t know who you are. One day they’ll wake up, and desert your clown car. No one stays stupid forever, I mean, besides you. You’re lies are so transparent, easily…

  • He Had High Hopes

    Will Merrick Garland resign, or will he just doubledown. Will he deny being a corrupt, weaponized Joe Biden clown. Will he find another book, he can throw at the Donald. Some new useful way, that Donald Trump can be waggled. Will he follow his instincts and leak some more lies.. Meant to damage the Donald,…

  • Charade or Parade

    The pedos are marching, the idiots cheer. A whole month is perverted, to celebrate queer. The trannies transforn, the drag queens twerk. Joe Biden is drooling, wearing his smirk. Kiddies are clapping, at pretty vainbows. Anyone born with morals, is holding their nose Naked old perverts on bikes without seats. Trannies in clownsuits profferring treats.…

  • Border Games

    Some come to America for the freedom that’s here. They see it as something to cherish, a dream they hold dear. They’re willing to work, wanting to earn their own way. If they do it legally by the book, with that I’m okay. Some come with hands out, expecting them to be filled. Free lodging,…