Category: GENERAL

  • Sanctuary? Yeah Right!

    Sanctuary states, where no one is safe. Especially citizens and homeless waifs. Waifs are abused, babies are murdered. Leaders are incompetent, truth is perjured. Borders are open, criminals welcome All kinds of perverts and derelict scum. Tax dollars wasted, both federal and state. So bums and indigents get a full plate. An American dream for…

  • Opinions Change

    Would you read a false statement for a few million dollars. Would you wear the left’s shackles, put on their collar. Would you abandon your scruples, forget to play nice. Would you listen to Soros and take his cash and advice. If you had a conscience, why would you let it be bought. Why sacrifice…

  • What Are You Thinking

    Don’t be surprised you’re run over, when intentionally blocking the street. Or if you’re kicked to the curbside by a quick boot to your seat. You’re doing it to make people angry, don’t be surprised they get mad. They’ve got real purpose in life, what you think you have is quite sad. You have someone…

  • The Final Bargain

    When Satan harries our heels, remember what God said.Through our acceptance of God, we crush Satan’s head.Satan knows this and he’s furious, doubling his attacks.Because of our Saviors sacrifice, he covers our backs.Evil cannot touch us, through our faith in our God.We can withstand any temptations by the master of fraud.Lost souls are injuries inflicted…

  • Boys Should Be Boys

    Boys should be boys, but boys can also be gay. At least that’s what the groomers tell them to say. Boy’s can use girls bathrooms, so can grown men. Depending on what gender they claim to be in. No one is born gay, is the truth of the matter. Those who think different are mad…

  • Don’t Buy the Lies

    If Satan told the truth, and promised doom and damnation. Would you still foolishly squander God’s promised salvation. Would you still fill your pockets with Satan’s proffered baubles. Would you submit yourself to Satan’s spiritual hobbles. Would you denounce Christ’s sacrifice, giving you life after death. Would you prefer drug addiction, the living death of…

  • Lies About Lying

    I want to write something but there’s nothing to say. My words won’t stop democrats from acting this way. I just sing to my choir, if i’m lucky they might applaud. I’m never deceitful, I don’t have a lying thought in my bod. I know I won’t ever change any democrat minds. But I’m sick…

  • My Soliloquy – Q&A

    Why do we need to protect ourselves, the government isn’t out of control. Why shouldn’t they take our guns, isn’t that part of selling our souls. Doesn’t it lighten our load to have nothing, Biden can take care of us all. Can’t we shake something loose in our thinking, banging our heads on the wall.…

  • Things to Do In America When You’re Braindead

    Train tracks crossing oceans, balloons to the moon. The whitehouse is occupied by an old red-a**ed baboon. Drag Queens are parading, old lies are being recycled. You can’t navigate in D.C., too much Bulls**t’s been piled. Alphabet agencies run amok. the DOJ’s out of control. To convict Donald Trump, democrats sold their souls. Drag Queens…

  • Always Amazed

    I’m always amazed at the leftist’s constant tomfoolery. At the ways they can show how much they don’t care for me. How they can spread lies, while smiling so big and wide. How they can say things to fill perverts with so much pride. Yes it’s amazing, how they convince themselves right is wrong. I’m…