Category: GENERAL

  • Day 8 of Pride Month

    Pride goeth before a fall, does it mean the end times are here. You can’t hire perverts as teachers, then tell your kids not to hear. Children are under attack, under pressure like never before. Drag queens are out of the closet, democrats opened the doors. Those living the biggest lie in history, teaching that…

  • Biden Must Go

    The family that sleeps together, gets off together, in more ways than one. It’s all there on the laptop, everything this Biden crime family has done. Yet they’re living the life of Reilly , living high off the hog. How many times can they possibly get away with wagging the dog. Or should I say…

  • The Party’s Over

    His senses were heightened, he was getting more meth. At least he would be aware if he fell to his death. His skin felt all tingly, his eyes bounced in his skull. Unlike the old Humpty-Dumpty, he wasn’t taking a fall. His thoughts were a jumble, he was thinking too fast. He was already craving,…

  • Our Cross to bear

    I paid 4.13 for gas today, Biden almost broke his skull. Like a dumb Humpty-Dumpty, pride goeth before Joe’s fall. Milk is almost four dollars, Joe wants to get rid of cows. Farming is bad for climate change, please tell me how. These Leftists are doomsayers, deranged evil scum. The globe isn’t warming, at least…

  • And the List Goes On

    Respecters of no one, deceivers of all. Masters of hubris and unmitigated gall. Dividers of people, unswerving racists. Takers of freedoms, hypocrite fascists. Propagators of lies, spinners of untruth. Groomers of children, corruptors of youth. Usurpers of power, buyers of votes. Always seeking convenient scapegoats. Creators of conspiratorial schemes. Destroyers of hope and American dreams.…

  • A Day at the Clinic

    They called his death accidental, the same with his birth. His mother decided to birth him, for her own self worth. The doctor objected, screaming “That baby must die” His mother screamed at her doctor, “Why doctor why?” Planned Parenthood sent you here, said he,”I work for them”. “So give me your baby, I must…

  • Brains Anyone?

    Their minds melded together, they hoped to think smart. Their idea though was doomed, right from the start. Stupid brains alone or together are just stupid brains. Zero plus zero is still nothing, absolutely no gains. Scratching their noggins, they hemmed and they hawed. It was proven over and over since the last ice age…

  • Joe Getting Feedback

    He claimed to have scruples, the people laughed. He claimed to be wise, we all looked at his staff. We said it’s not adding up, how are you at math. He said he was a good Catholic, we heard guffaws. He said he cared about us, some folks openly pshawed. We said “that’s a crock,…

  • A Willing Scapegoat

    McCarthy sat down with the president, Biden whipped his butt. Joe got trillions more in spending, we get a few miniscule cuts. Instead of eighty thousand new IRS agents we get 2,000 less. What the hell happened, did McCarthy agree while under duress. Was someone out of the picture, holding a gun to his head.…

  • Keep It to Yourself

    The world’s gone stupid, Isn’t that queer. Sissies now tell us, how to drink beer. The rainbow, natures sign the storms over. Has been plagiarized by transgender ogres. The rainbow now represents gay vanity. LGBTQ1A and polyamorous insanity. Instead of seven colors, it’s become inclusive. Adding so many colors the meaning’s elusive. Let’s call it…