Category: GENERAL

  • I’m Starving Joe

    I brought home the bacon, same price, half as much. In a new smaller package, a damn clever touch. Everytime I go shopping, my ire is quick to arise. I feel I’m being ripped off, I can’t live on Biden’s Lies. He says, the economies booming, prices are down. Maybe for his favorite pudding, what…

  • Dispute This

    I have to cut spending, when I have nothing to spend. I wish I could raise my debt cieling, again and again. I wish I could write checks on a bankrupt account. I wish I could waste tax dollars in enormous amounts. Why is congress allowed to spend what we don’t have. When their outrageous…

  • Pandering Pride

    Why not transgender drag day to pander to these creeps. Do they need a whole month to groom some new peeps. Do they need more free air time, don’t they get enough. For these perverted dragqueens to showcase their stuff. With hundreds of genders, why not pride days every day. It’s already happening, they must…

  • Choosing Wrong

    You chose what is wrong, and you’re happy with Biden. You created the foul wind on which our future is ridin’. You chose the wrong path and then put on blinders. You can’t see he’s compromised, the constant reminders. You chose the wrong agenda, to give your support. Justice will be meted out, in a…

  • Political Insanity

    Insane politicians can’t be a good thing. Stupid ideas to the table is all they’ll bring. With thumbs up their a**es, whistling a tune. A detriment to society, never a boon. Here we are in two thousand and twenty three. Assininity is everywhere, it’s all we see. Ridiculous posers, pushing insipid pipedreams. Eliciting groans and…

  • Choose The Right

    Institutionalized corruption, what a wonderful thing. With a demonrat criminal choir, to which they sing. Our feckless usurper, claims to be in control. He’s not working for America, he has communist goals. He has sold out to China, that corruption is fact. His soul has been sold to Satan, in a new evil pact. Demons…

  • Secrets Kept, Bodies Buried

    How many secrets does our government keep. How far into our lives, does the secrecy creep. How much power do the power-mad seek. What lengths would they go to, to stifle a leak. If bodies are buried, who knows where they are. Has the left in this country, gone one step too far. The questions…

  • A Man of No Substance

    If Biden’s for real, it seems he would have some substance. I’m not talking about stupidity of which he has an abundance. I’m talking about something to see, besides empty suits. Something shuffling around besides empty boots. If Biden has something to say, why can’t he get it said. What kind of nonsense is jumbled…

  • What Can I Say

    Morals corrupted, scruples nonexistant. Evil is embraced, no one is repentent. Shiny baubles excite, God’s plan is twisted. Evil is glorified, God’s word resisted. Amorality reigns, when anything goes. Women are men wearing hose. Men are sissified, women go mad. Nothing is real, everything’s sad. Schools become mills, churning out fools. Willing anarchists, breaking all…

  • A Life Less Lived. [part 1]

    My parents were prescient, I was a damn fool. They gave me structure, I broke all their rules. I could have gone far, I chose mediocrity. I cast aside everything, I destroyed my integrity. Something for nothing, my mom used to say. In friends or in life, will lead you astray. No truer words have…