Category: GENERAL

  • The Ruse

    How do they keep the ruse going, when no one is fooled. When it’s plain to see, so many brains have been snoozed. They have willing deceivers in a sycophant media. The same folks who want to mainstream pedophelia. They control teacher’s unions that brainwash young minds. They require obedience, from fools of all walks…

  • Villify This

    His responses were flippant, mostly flipping the bird. His favorite weapon were his own petrefied turds. He was wearing pink pantyhose, his turd sling in his hand. He wanted transgender month across the whole land. He was full of unrighteous anger, he often despaired. He thought he was beautiful, a view nobody shared. His butt…

  • Moving On

    Get your tents off my lawn, go crap in the woods. Stay out of my house, keep your hands off my goods. Why are you out here in the suburbs, what’s up with that. Something smells rotten, I smell a damn demonrat. You’ve ruined the cities, made a blight of the streets. Now you’re squatting…

  • Hold Your Head High

    With justice perverted, now protecting the crooks With the Treasury openly cooking Joe Biden’s books. With the FBI running rampant, serving the devil. With American’s thinking, nothing’s on the level. With colleges cranking out mindless leftist bots. With the covid vaccine causing serious blood clots. With radicals promising to confiscate all our guns. With Joe…

  • Opinion Nation

    The opinions of minions mean nothing to me. Be they bought and paid for or given for free. Be they minions of Satan, or minions of Joe. Spouting rote nonsense, we don’t need to know. Their usual opinions, are not their own words. So often repeated the meaning gets blurred. Opinionated is fine if sharing…

  • The Trillionaire

    If you had trillions of tax dollars. it was your job to spend. Would you keep some for yourself, for family and friends. Would you feel all powerful, like the king of the world. Wear matched revolvers, whose handles were pearled. Would you spend billions buying votes with bribes. Would you cook the books making…

  • It’s Your Choice

    What’s wrong with pandering, it’s the American way. What’s wrong with lying if it get’s you through the day. Why not break promises, if they’re purpose was served. Why not take the credit, when it’s not deserved. If you’ve created mass fear, why not take advantage. It’s the perfect kind of crisis, for you to…

  • G.B. Why do I Try

    How many times have I heard Glenn, praising his fans. Lauding us for saving America, while he grandstands. It’s obvious to me he doesn’t care, When it comes to saving America, I’m doing my share. It’s hard getting my message out, without money or fame. I guess ignoring his fans. is a huge part of…


    Not one iota of the Russia Hoax has been proven untrue. So say all the demonrats and the creeps on “The View” So reports the mainstream media, so say’s Joe Biden. They all stick to the lie behind which they’re all hidin’ It’s all been shown to be lies, a plot hatched by the Hag.…

  • Here Comes Kamala

    What could we be if not burdened with Kamala’s spin. If we weren’t forced to hear Kamala again and again. We’re not little children, why are we addressed like we are. To think that this brainless idiot is the left’s new rising star. The look on her face, could she actually be so excited. Does…