Category: GENERAL

  • Woe is Us

    His synapses were misfiring, it was a comical sight. He was clenching his buttocks, squeezing them tight. His eyes crossed and uncrossed, rolling up in his head. He mumbled incoherently, someone fetch my meds. He should be home recuperating. not in the senate. The job would be better for Oz, I mean Mr. Mehmet. He…

  • Fat and Ugly

    You can be fat and ugly and be a good human being. You can be fat and ugly and be a fat ugly drag queen. But you can’t be fat and ugly and be a beautiful woman. Why can’t you be happy with just being a fat, ugly human. You can be fat and ugly,…

  • The Durham Report

    The Durham report is reported, whoopty damn do. All it does is tell us, what we already knew. Of course Trump is innocent, the left, guilty as hell. The MSM won’t report it and all will be well. Hillary will downplay it, perhaps double down. Call it a new conspiracy, Trump’s spreading around. Another Russian…

  • Ship of Fools

    The homeless were sleeping, todays drugs were good. As usual some of them shot up more than they should. The fentenyl was cheap, Gavin Newsom doesn’t care. The overdose deaths get the homeless out of his hair. They won’t cause any trouble in their pauper’s graves. They will no longer be slaves to the drugs…

  • Come One, Come All

    Come to America, We’ve left open the door. We”ll give you free money and so much more. Bring your aunties and uncles, cousins and friends. Plus anything drug cartels are willing to send. Grab some kids on your way, sell them for sex. Joe Biden has truckloads of government checks. Is it an illegal invasion,…

  • Each Day

    Each day we hear how the situation’s growing more dire. Each day we see Joe Biden’s feet aren’t held to the fire. Are we not grown-ups, supposedly an educated society. Why can’t the left see, ours is not unfounded anxiety. Biden appoints accomplished liars to lie to our faces. When challenged on lies they go…

  • After the Coma

    How can someone profess to believe, what they know is a lie. Why can they turn it into a hill on which they might die. How can someone hear gibberish, then clap and applaud. Doesn’t it define them as a damn fool and a fraud. How can someone watch a poor leader, a posturing fool.…

  • The Bandwagon

    Jump on our bandwagon, the idiots scream. We’ll save your dumba**es from the American dream. We’ll train you to be racists, teach you to hate. We’ll throw a monkey wrench into your fates. We glorify laziness, we pander to fools. We’ll turn you into complacent communist tools. Come one come all, perverts and pedos, have…

  • Turning the Tables

    CNN thought to make a fool of the Donald, boy, did he turn the tables on them. The left’s hopes of CNN slowing him down, went from a pipedream to grim. The Donald looked to be at his best, it seemed the audience harkened to him. What were the CNN bigwigs thinking, they wound up…

  • Knocking Them Dead

    The Donald is knocking them dead, he’s killing it in the courtroom. Although the fools find him liable, He’s gonna lower his boom. He’s got a great sense of humor, democrats have forgot how to laugh. Five million is peanuts to Donald, he’s got billions, you do the math. He’ll make it up in free…