Category: GENERAL

  • Is There Anything Worse

    Is there anything worse than a fool with a plan. Like the quickest way to abandon Afghanistan. Or sinking tax dollars into an unwinnable war. Or pandering to minorities to fill a clown car. Maybe “green new deals” and “new world orders” Or perhaps the worst of all is wide open borders. Is there anything…

  • Red and Blue

    The big cities are blue, the countryside’s red. Red areas are thriving, the cities are dead. The Cities are power-mad, they want it all. They want our resources at their beck and call. They scoff at our needs, mocking our views. We think for ourselves, they watch fake news. They want us off our land,…

  • It’s All Not So Good

    Choosing to be unreasonable, when their stupid plans suck. Democrats double down on stupid and come after our bucks. They don’t think of the people, they think of the plan. The biggest fool in America is the democrats number one man. The biggest fearmongerer, the greatest panderer of all time. Throwing away trillions of dollars,…

  • The Begats

    Lies beget lies, fools beget fools. demonrats beget, communist rules. A mess is created, a communist Hell. Fools, fool themselves into thinking, everything’s swell. Morons count on morons for their fake news. Having no other options from which to choose. Liars spread lies, lies spread distrust. Ignorance spreads, when truth has been shushed. Evil spawns…

  • Gad-About Gavin

    On the eve of Cali’s destruction, Gad-About Gavin is gadding about. Fiddling at the gates of doom, like a thouroughly worthless lout Californians need to awaken, and kick this fool to the gutter. The way he’s draining their pocketbooks, should make all californians shudder. He’s on a national ego-trip, chasing a job he doesn’t deserve.…

  • Obvious Truths

    The democrats would have us believe, there’s no ulterior motives up their sleeves. Everythings done for everyones good, we need to do what they say we should. We should never doubt, anything they say, we shouldn’t believe our eyes and look away. It’s a game of deception, a masterful ruse, pushed by our biased main…

  • Salvation vs Damnation

    Banks are collapsing, the economy’s crumbling. The fool in the White House is constantly bumbling. In shock we are gasping, as our lives are destroyed. In fear of the tactics, the communists have employed. They don’t like America’s greatness, they need mediocrity. Ushered in by insipid idiots, awash in depravity. It’s the recipe for destruction,…

  • Al to the Rescue

    Why does anyone listen to a race baiter like Sharpton. Who would give a platform to this racist charlatan. He crawls out of the woodwork, when he hears sirens. Ignorantly looking for whites inside his environs. Whenever a white man kills a black man in self defence. Al shows up with his race card and…

  • Swamp Scum Isn’t Slime

    Inconvenient truths, become the Lefts convenient lies. The truth is scapegoated, and conspiracies rise. The Al Gores of the world create lies all the time. Like global warming and swamp scum isn’t slime. None of it’s real, only MSM fools would believe. Or practiced prevaricators, that are paid to deceive. Who can we trust, how…

  • Covering Tracks

    The Biden’s leave trails of crumbs to cover their tracks. I guess that’s what happens when high on the crack. They think they are clever, but it’s worse than that. The biased Merrick Garland is covering their backs. The crumbs are picked up, the tracks swept away. The American people are told everything is okay.…