Category: GENERAL

  • The Unsavory Side

    Casting aspersions, deflecting all blame. Unendingly chasing, fifteen minutes of fame. Spreading any lies that fit the occasion. Wide open borders, encourage invasion. These are todays politicians, unsavoy fools. Professional criminals, breakers of rules. Rubes in the woods, boobs on the tube. Groomers of children, shavers of pubes. Postering panderers, usurpers and twits. Intolerant posers,…

  • How Long Song

    Where did our tax-dollars go, gone to war zones, poof they’re gone. Do you think we’ll ever know, why this war goes on and on. What are the children being taught, gender dysphoria and other rot. How long will this go on, before their identities are gone. What has become of commonsense, have we all…

  • Answer The Call

    What if there was a call to arms, and nobody answered. Without American patriots, our republic is cancered. Full of those who want everything but give nothing back. Those who would succor our enemies if they attack. Those who rewrite our constitution to their own benefit. Who snuff the lifes of the unborn and care…

  • The Black Book

    Epstein is back with a vengeance, can the pedos suicide him again. Can we first ask him, does he like the Hell he’s been in. Can he give us the names of all those he blackmailed. Can he tell us of the sick crimes and the perverts entailed. Someone had him killed, that someone had…

  • The Future Is Ours

    We can’t allow the left to plan for our future, after changing history by rewriting our past. After turning our Godfearing heroes, into their version of social outcasts. We must not let our children be brainwashed, we can’t let our history be wrongly surmised. We can’t have it become part of a political agenda, that…

  • Excuses: a Dime a Dozen

    Good names are besmirched, reputations are sullied. When the Left is accused, it’s gee whiz and good golly. They wouldn’t do that, it’s not who they are. They never stoop to slander, they don’t sink so far. A little friendly teasing, just having some fun. They’ve never done the things it’s claimed they’ve done. When…

  • Money Walks

    Let’s ban all political donations, let people run on their merits. No more massive donations from weasels and moneybags ferrets. No more buying candidates who will be obliged or bought off. Let everyone drink from the same empty moneyless trough. We don’t need the mega rich putting up billions of dollars. We need more candidates…

  • Seriously?

    Perturbed with a friend, I said ”put your thinking cap on”, he looked at me saying ”I didn’t know it was gone. He swiped at his head, looking surprised, saying, “this is worse than I could have surmised. My thoughts have been muddled, I’m not thinking straight, I’ve noticed lately that I can’t relate. When…

  • So Bizarro

    Was her name Fang-Fang or was it Yum Yum? Is Senator Swalwell a commie or just a dumdum? Sleeping with a Chinese spy, then getting caught. The POS is still in the senate, it happens a lot. If there’s no consequences, it will happen again. This is the Bizarro type world we’re living in. Adam…

  • Anythings Possible

    He took his toys and went home, he sulked in the corner. At home he was treated like an unwelcome foriegner. He hated his siblings and he felt they hated him. They knew his name was Joey, they all called him Jim. Jim was his brother, he hated Jim with a passion. Kids will be…