Category: GENERAL

  • I Want to See

    I want truth in reporting, I want honesty in the halls of D.C.I want to see my money go further, isn’t this the land of the free.I want as much gas as I can use, I want to buy it as cheap as can be.When I send a representative to DC, I want them to…

  • Despicable

    It’s really despicable what the Lame Stream Media does.They skip over the truth to tell us what they’re wishing was.It’s always lies over substance, spin wins out over truth.Don’t believe a thing emanating from the broadcast booth.They wear such big smiles, hoping honey will always attract.Tell lies enough times the fools become hooked, like on…

  • America’s Coward

    Joe Biden is feeling unpopular, he’s feeling abandoned. He thinks he has plenty of cause to be maddened. Jill turns away from him, he sees scorn on her face. Everyone wants him to leave to clear out of the place. He don’t understand why he’s ignominiously dumped. They’re laughing at him, he’s been chumped by…

  • Giving Thanks

    I think of today, then I worry about tomorrow,I can’t be happy with a heart full of sorrow.It’s hard surviving alone, it’s hard to succeed,on a hardscrabble existence without what I need.Government takes care of aliens, ignores you and me,I can’t help but be angry, I see what I see.I don’t see global warming, I…

  • Jill Feeling Bad

    She felt robbed of her power, cheated out of her fame.She’d terribly abused her husband, without any shame.She used poor old Joe as a means to her nefarious ends.As the winds were now shifting, she cursed Joe’s depends.The things she’d put up with, babysitting such an old fool.It was all done for nothing, now she…

  • The Street Scene

    As I was out walking the streets of D.C.,I spied an old jacka*s shuffling along.His mouth hung wide open the old fool was lost,as he approached he was murdering a song.A song about nonsense, that sounded like gibberish,I could see death at his heels as he passed on.Followed by dogs and some Democrat vermin,He passed…

  • Debate:Round 2

    The left is getting excited about the second stupid debate.Biden’s going to hide for the next 2 months, until the big date.This time the left will be ready, Biden will be wired for sound.Answers on a miniature teleprompter from which he’ll expound.I don’t know who will be moderating but they’ll be ready too.I’m sure they’ll…

  • The Wreck of the Doofus

    Damn these debates, when Biden proves he’s half dead.Who planted this ridiculous idea in his chowderhead.Who hasn’t been watching him playing the fool for 4 years.What kind of blind, twisted idiot would deny how he appears.It was foolish thinking he’d beat Trump and walk off a winner.When his brights are shut off and he’s operating…

  • Debate Report

    I was impressed, Biden seemed fit as a fiddle.He was so impressive, I wasn’t urged to belittle.I thought on it overnite, I decided I was wrong.Joe definitely had a hitch in his mental get-along.He couldn’t help but look stupid, dazed and confused.He can’t claim he was anything but self abused.His mouth hanging open like a…

  • Debate Prediction

    Tonight’s the big night, the CNN clown show is on.The democrats will make certain.that Biden has won.The MSM will declare victory, the Donald will be dissed.The obvious outcome of course will be totally missed.Joe will be rewarded with accolades and ice cream.Trump will hold a huge rally and let off some steam.Folks will tell him…