Category: GENERAL

  • Think About It

    Obvious truths or obvious lies. Which one is easiest for a fool to deny? Ask any woman, that thinks she’s a man. If she follows Satan’s or believes in God’s plan. Is it wrong to be right or right to be wrong. Is your faith nonexistant, or is it strong. Willfully stupid or willfully wise.…

  • My Wokeness

    I was slipping into wokeness. My mind was led astray. I was cascading into wokeness. The left taught me what to say. I used to love good whiskey, now I drink rotgut. I’m slipping into wokeness, you can kiss my skanky butt. I’m drowning now in wokeness, my mind is all but gone. I’m surrounded…

  • Slipping Into Darkness

    Slipping into darkness, Joe drags us down every day. Our reputation of greatness is being frittered away. He is obviously compromised and he’s not getting better. The furthest thing from reality is Joe the go-getter. Our enemies are laughing, our allies in shock. We’re not moving forward, we’ve turned back the clock. The democrats aren’t…

  • The Facade

    Is the worm finally turning, have the folks had enough. Have we seen through the facade of Joe acting tough. Do we see Joe as the charlatan he displays every day. Is the poser in chief, like a wicked with, melting away. He seems to lose substance, something short in supply. He looks pale and…

  • The Taxman

    Now that March Madness is gone, April Lunacy has arrived. The taxman is coming, we’ll all see how we’ve been jived. You’ll put your hand in your pocket and find another hand there. Uncle Sam stealing your money calling it your fair share. It’s being stolen from you to distribute for democrat votes. To elect…

  • Joe’s Easter Egg Hunt

    His thinking was twisted, his words insincere. His meaning was lost, nothing coming through clear. His diction was terrible, he spoke with forked tongue. He was criticised as uncivil, his words often stung. His demeanor overbearing, his temper was bad. If folks don’t respond how he wants he’s quick to get mad. His voice rises…

  • When the Children Lie

    Broken and discouraged, cast to one side. Told by your children you can’t show white pride. Your kids despise you because you are white. Making matters worse, you fear they are right. You’ve heard it so long, you didn’t want to believe. You wouldn’t fall into the webs the left weaves. Now here’s your children…

  • A Peek Into the Future

    Soon the veggies will gather for another convention. When they choose to reveal their true intentions. The fruits will attend, turning over new leafs. With weasels and jacka**es and plenty of thiefs. The airwaves will forcefeed us the sickening show. Kamala will be sure to bore us, followed by Joe. We’ll see some fake tears…

  • American Hellscapes

    As society breaks down, what’s a wise person to do. Besides getting the hell out of anywhere blue. The morons have run blue states into the ground. Do they want empty cities with only morons around. Who wants to live in a place controlled by fools. Who wants their kids groomed in government schools. Who…

  • State of Disfunction

    The world’s on fire, the inferno is towering. The Chinese are threatening, Biden is cowering. The border’s dissolving, the gates are revolving. We’re saddled with problems no one is solving. The truth is ignored, as are most Americans. Our leaders are worthless, most of them charlatans. The end times are here, no one is grieving.…