Category: GENERAL

  • Define This

    How does one define a woman ? Let’s ask a pervert. Do women wear blouses? Do men still wear shirts? Which sex wears dresses? I’m so confused. I can see why real women are no longer amused. What is a transgender, does It even know. Is it some kind of human, stipped of It’s soul.…

  • The Donald’s Lament

    I’ve been slandered by judges and crooked D.A.s I’ve been slandered by grifters who disappear the next day. I’ve been slandered by porn stars, you call them Ho’s I’ve been slandered by people that nobody knows. I’ve been slandered by lawyers, the scum of the earth. I’ve been slandered by creeps no mother birthed. I’ve…

  • Making It Up as I Go

    Making mountains from molehills, making heroes from zeroes. If it’s evil it sells, we elect modern day Nero’s Confusing sh*t and shinola, spinning truth into lies. Praising fake men named Lola, with Barby Doll eyes. Good isn’t good, bad isn’t bad, American’s used to be happy, now we’re happy with crappy, isn’t that sad. Common…

  • Death of the Dream

    The countries divided between folks either insane or crazy. The morally challenged and the shiftless and lazy. Good folks are tired of leftist buffoons without souls. Who sold out to Satan, now supporting his goals. The Bozo in Washington is quick with his string of EOs. Where does it all end, apparently nobody knows. Our…

  • Communism vs God’s Love

    Communism is here, subverting American Wills. What do communists have to offer, what the hell sells. Is it the promise of nothing, the love of the lie. The promise of free drugs, a society craving a high. Is it the lure of free food, a bread and cheese diet. Is it such a good message,…

  • Chinese Dominion

    What’s wrong with this picture, why sell our souls to Jinping. It looks like Biden is compromised, doing that traitorous thing. We have more oil than anyone, China controls precious metals. Who will be controlling the world, when the dust finally settles. When The lefts assinine policy, shutting down our fossil fuels. Combined with stupid…

  • Out For a Drive

    Why did my baby, do what she did, why did our love go so far off the grid. What were we doing on that rainy night. ,How could such horror come from a future so bright We were out for a spin in my baby’s new car. we approached a bridge, we hadn’t gone too…

  • The Poser

    You call it moral ambiguity, I call it an immoral contagion. You call it a secure border, I call it an invited invasion. You call it gender fluidity, I recognize it as pandered perversion. You call for a New World Order, I call it an unwanted incursion. You call it pro-choice aka women’s rights, I…

  • An Ocean of Pain

    The leftist world is sick, the whole crew is mad. Everything they touch, turns out evil and bad. Their goal is creating change, from bad to worse. Instead of society progressing, we’re in reverse. Momentum is growing on their highway to Hell. Every day there’s a new evil agenda to sell. Nothing’s thought through, it’s…

  • A Little Ditty

    Intelligence snoozing, demonrats schmoozing, is there a common connection. Is this a side effect, of the left’s total neglect, of Biden’s stolen election. Who’s fault could it be, we’re no longer free, is this government dereliction. I say without hesitation, it’s an infestation, some kind of swamp thing infection. Kids getting dumber, look at the…