Category: GENERAL

  • Another Long Day

    In the mirror he sees a fool, he smirks, he thinks “I’m so cool” He picks a sore spot on his brain, smiling stupidly, so vain. Fearless Leader, he heard it said, leader of the walking dead. My name is Joe, you know “The Thing” You can call me Silly Wing. He spins, he twirls,…

  • Taken Seriously

    You demand to be taken seriously, are you insane? You can’t force me to be stupid, I’ve got a brain. You aren’t a serious person, your whole life is a lie. I’d rather live with a junkie, than in your pig sty. Bitching about nothing, whining you’re scared. Crawl back under your rock, if you’re…

  • Weapon of War

    This is my pistol, this AR15 is my weapon of war.They think I’m gonna use it to clear out dragqueen bars.The Transgenders are disarming, staying up late at night.For some reason they’re thinking, they know how to fight.They hate the the “NO GAY BILL” though it doesn’t exist.These self-loathing haters actually think they’d be missed.Their…

  • Who Are You

    Throw us some scraps, or let some trickle down. While you pig out at the buffet, you ignorant clown. Show us some policies, that we might accept. Not stupid agendas, put forth by the left. Don’t waste our tax dollars, buying pretty buses. Don’t help the yellow horde to finally crush us. Is there no…

  • Pertinent Posers

    Why has no one called me a victim, and gave me big bucks? Why has no one told me how much my life sucks? Why do I only hear that being white can’t be right? Why has no democrat come to save me from my plight? Why aren’t there programs to teach me how to…

  • Purloined Future

    One more stupid mistake, one more senseless blunder. One more doomed attempt, to steal Trump’s thunder. Thirteen more misguided fools, one more biased goon. One more kangaroo court, more sick loony toons. More perjured testimony, more sick dogs and ponies. More blatant outright hypocrisy, more democrat phonys. Millions of perverted scumbags, fewer honest men. This…

  • The Sad Part

    I have my religion, they came and they mocked it. I have a pet monkey, they came and they shocked it I spoke to the truth, they were afraid and denied it, I assured them I never lied, they quickly implied it. I told them I’m not Woke, they called me a facsist. I said…

  • Bottom of the Barrel

    The bottom of the barrel has swam to the top. It’s an inborn invasion, that ain’t gonna stop. We have dumb politicians thinking anything goes. You’ll never catch these fools holding their nose. The murder of babies means nothing to them. Mother’s can do it on any phony personal whim. Planned Parenthood has an ocean…

  • D-Rat Useful Crisis

    Another School shooting, another attack on our guns. Another chance for the truth to be totally spun. Another chance for Biden, to spew the left’s talking points. Another excuse for the MSM to get their jaws out of joint. Another attack on our freedom, on the second amendment. Another chance to seize onto a crisis…

  • A Slice of Life

    Throughout adolescence the idiot grew. Unerringly adopting the most assinine views He smiled and pandered with insincere words. His intelligence was stunted at least by a third. His parents at first, took all of the heat. Had they overloaded his system on sugary sweets. He was addicted to sugar loving that rush. His brain was…