Category: GENERAL

  • Liars Lie

    How can it be a lie if even one fool believes it. Is this what Biden thinks when spewing his bullsh*t? The most dishonest man to ever win an election. His mouth opens, he lies, sans self reflection. He took his oath of office like it meant nothing at all. He swore on the Bible…


    Their hate is surmounted by their unbridled greed. They have more damn money, than anyone needs. They buy politicians, they pay honest people to lie. A million dollars is peanuts, no price is too high. They can buy countries, their money steals elections. They create deadly viruses spreading global infections. They want a new world…

  • Observe & Report

    They’re out of their closets, they’re way off their rockers. They want to create a society of dumba*s fartknockers. They’re busily grooming new recruits to their cause. Perhaps this ungodly agenda should be put on pause. Other fools in this country want to live life on their knees. Praising a government that fulfills all their…

  • My Soapbox

    How much more of this bullsh*t are we willing to take. How much more of them telling us America’s no longer great. How much more of the pandering to pedos and perverts. How much more fear mongering and panicked alerts. How many more lies from leaders we can no longer trust. Who want nothing more…

  • ESG For Idiots

    ESG For Idiots, the democrats new “how to” book. It’s perfect for morons, sold by government crooks. It shows how big business will destroy your life. Hooking up with democrats like husband and wife. When they get together, “Woe be unto you” You will have nothing and hate it, when they’re through. It paints an…

  • School Board From Hell

    I spoke out to be heard, they shut me down quick. They denied my free speech, a democrat trick. They were grooming my kids, it didn’t sit with me well. I could now see, this was the school board from Hell I demanded my rights, they laughed in my face. The pompous a-hole in charge…

  • Sick of It All

    I’m sick of the race card and the hypocrites whipping it out. I’m sick of pro-deathers chanting and dancing about. I’m deathly sick of the democrats culture of death. I’m sick of republicans sitting silent holding their breath. Complacence is not a virtue, it’s a sign of the weak. Of those afraid to stand up…

  • New Democrat Base

    Sissies and mama’s boys, the new demonrat base. Moralless monsters who want to spit in your face. Their purpose in life is turning kids into queers. These perverts elected to office is everyone’s fear. Haters of women they play women’s sports. They are often supported by pandering courts. I’m told I’m spreading hate speech by…

  • Same Old Joe

    He looked to the left,completely ignoring the right. He sat down, he sprang up, yelling, he wanted to fight. He had lots of energy, like some energized bunny. He said “I’m not joking” laughing, like he was funny. The fool’s getting worse is what everyone thought. We can’t take much more, our patience is shot.…

  • Anti-Climatic Gore

    Al Gore has crawled out from under his rock. He’s ranting and raving he’s in climate shock. The world is overheating, run for the hills. Come on now Al, shut up, sit down and chill. You’ve made your millions peddling snake oil. Show us a place you’ve seen oceans boil. Prove that the ozone is…