Category: GENERAL

  • They! Who the Hell Are They?

    Consumers are creatures of habit, we want what we want. We don’t want deluded a-holes and the agendas they flaunt. My craw is my personal property, stick that up your butt. I’ve no time for your bullsh*t, so keep your mouth shut. I’ve had enough of your lies and your stupid pipedreams. You’re all bags…

  • Woke No More

    I awakened one morning from a long senseless sleep. I felt I had an appointment I needed to keep. I realized this day was different, yet didn’t know why. The world looked different to my wide awake eyes. Outside I felt the warmth of the new day’s rising sun. Being outside this early was something…

  • The Perfidy of It

    The Left peddles death, they call it vaccine. Seems like a part of their depopulation scheme. Taking out the young in their prime of life. A stab to the heart by an implanted knife. Mandating a vaccine, one not fully tested. Speak out against it and you could be arrested. Joe Biden has taken it,…

  • The Election Blues

    There’s trouble in the air tonight. I feel it everywhere. I’ve got a sinking feeling. This election isn’t fair. The ballot box was loaded. Filled right to the gills. Full of phony ballots, to subvert the peoples will. They handed out assignments. Putting suitcases into hands. Full of phony ballots. Just the way they planned.…

  • I Won’t Bow Down

    I know a communist fool when I hear one. I can see through their lies to the path they are on. I wasn’t born yesterday, my folks raised me right. I don’t live in the dark, I’m drawn to the light. I will never show Brandon an ounce of respect. He’s an old empty suit,…

  • The Semi-Fascist

    I’m only a semi-fascist, guess I don’t try very hard. I don’t have a pocketfull of hateful race cards. I don’t shut down free speech by shouting you down. I might call you stupid, some kind of a*s-clown. But I’ll let you speak and make a fool of yourself. I might mention and mock your…