Category: GENERAL

  • Gaslighting Blacks

    I’m sick of hearing black liberal politicians demanding reparations.I’d rather see them divorce white liberals and force separations.What have black people done to deserve other folks taxes.It’s an assault on the Treasury pushed by Democrat jacka**es.It’s unconstitutional, it’s pure inconcievable out of hand greed.What makes them special, they should work for their needs.The democrats want…

  • Shove It

    Take your pride and shove it, straight up your back door.I’m sick of pompous a-holes, you know demonic he-whores.A month to pander perversion, a month to misguide kids.A month to steal their identities, and flip God given ids.A month to dress like perverts, to twerk your derriaires.To parade in front of children, to display your…

  • Right or Wrong

    Right or wrong, democrats can’t make a choice.With no power of discernment, they don’t have a voice.They spew what they’re told to, mostly it’s all lies.Whatever’s thrown out there, they’re hoping it flies.They target crowds of morons, fools with like minds.Their modus operandi, find fools wearing blinds.They tell us we must listen, under penalty of…

  • Imagine

    Can you imagine Kamala as America’s fearless leader.Talking about inanities like a Walmart door greeter.The democrats put forth candidates, they can control.Ones for whom the greed for power sucks out their soul.Ones who do what they’re told, and follow instructions.Who have no morals or scruples or need of compunctions.Don’t be the least bit surprised if…

  • Our Choices

    If you’re railroaded for crimes, you should go to jail.If you’re tried in a kangaroo court, you don’t need bail.If you say you are innocent, they should find you guilty.You should be locked away if you don’t show proper fealty.This is America gosh-darn it with our new biased justice.It’s the wages of made up crimes…

  • That’s a Good Laugh

    Hunter Biden going to prison, that’s a good laugh.Not when he’s tried and convicted by Joe Biden’s staff.Joe Biden still has in his mitts his magical pen.With one simple flourish Hunter’s free once again.The American people left wondering, what’s going on.The wool pulled over our eyes for Joe’s favorite son.I call it shenanigans, the DOJ…

  • A Better Plan

    As Europe’s open border nightmare comes to an end.Biden would keep our border open to welcome them in.Biden’s brilliant plan to add more to the melting pot.Come one, come all, send all the terrorists you’ve got.Send their brothers and sisters, the whole extended family.Don’t fret about paying your way, we’ll give you everything free.We’ll pay…

  • Show Us Your Wokeness

    Show us your wokeness, transgender paraders now chant.We don’t care what you’re now calling the junk in your pants.Show us your twerking skills, in your as*less leather chaps.Sit down with parade goers, put their kids in your laps.You have a whole month to defile and make jokes of our cities.A whole month to pander your…

  • The Short End

    We’re chastised, talked down to, we hear lie after lie.We’re exhorted to listen, and believe our damn eyes.The MSM are all demonrats, you can’t trust fake news.Most folks can’t understand chuckle-headed fools.There’s nothing good about democrats, I’m not inspired.Honestly I can’t see one of them that shouldn’t be fired.We’re told they’re our betters, usually by…

  • Carry On Joe

    The wages of sin, the price of impunity,God probably won’t grant Joe Biden immunity.Merrick Garland can’t step up as your savior,he can’t grant forgiveness for bad behavior.Justice will be served, I hope in your face,you shouldn’t be hoping for God’s unearned Grace.You messed with our lives,stripped us of dignity,You’re headed straight for, predestined infamy.Hows this…