Category: GENERAL

  • A Caring Man

    I’ve sitting here without a dime, and I don’t like it, I love it.I have no urge or compunction to tell Joe Biden to shove it.He seems to be well versed in knowing what American’s think.Why would I need money for food, after he drove me to drink.How can I pay twice as much for…

  • Conspiracy Theories Pshaw!

    How many cover-ups is our government running.How many murders, they think they’re so cunning.How many mass murders in their campaign against gunsYou can’t trust these demonrats, because everything’s spun.Cover-ups to cover cover-ups, liars paid for their lies.How can we trust our gov’t when conspiracies are no surprise.Conspiring to steal our guns, conspiring to destroy lives.Conspiring…

  • I Didn’t Stutter

    Send home the college kids, get rid of the fools.Let their parents support the poor little ghouls.Fire their commie professors, zip their mouths shut.Send them down the highway, swift kicks in the butt.Save our tax-dollars, make them get real damn jobs.We don’t need to pay for uneducated Democrat slobs.Stop them from voting unless the simpletons…

  • Been There Done That

    He waltzed with Matilda, he danced with the devil.he told every story under the sun, none of them on the level.He’s been a lifesaver, a lumberjack, a young black child.His ambition seems to be seeing all truth & morals defiled.He’s flown with President Xi, circmnavigated the globe.He’s been kidnapped by aliens and was willingly probed.He…

  • Leadership Counts

    His mug was contorted into a sick evil grin.His teleprompter was loaded with more insipid spin.His eyes lost their color, turning into empty black holes.One got the impression, he had sold his damned soul.His gait became a shuffle, his destination unknown.He looked like a Democrat jacka*s, afraid and alone.He spoke unintelligible gibberish, Not realizing he…

  • The Crooked Path

    There was a crooked old man, who had a crooked smile.When folks saw him on TV they quickly changed the dial.He had a crooked way of talking, a habit of telling lies.A crooked way of thinking, a crooked twinkle in his eyes.He flew many crooked miles, with his crooked pal Jinping. They had many secret…

  • Biden was through talking, things were now clarified.It was obvious to most of the crowd, his brain had been fried.Some had a hard a time accepting, some fools never would.Some saw Biden as a good man, who was misunderstood..I saw him as an idiot, getting worse day after long day.I realized he had a problem…

  • The Commiecrat Plan

    Rights, say the commiecrats, you don’t need no stinking rights.We decide what you’re guilty of, we decide who wins the fight.Free speech, pshaw!, dream on, we decide what you can say.We have gag-orders, our Marxist judges can just have their way.You call it biased justice, or the department of justice run amock.We call it win…

  • What About Joey

    Joey gets angry, Joey gets mad.Joey cries in his beer when Joey is sad.Joey talks gibberish, Joey’s so misunderstood.Joey’s head is perfect, for knocking on wood.Joey’s a brave man without any balls.Joey has a hard time getting up when he falls.Joey’s our president, ain’t that a crock.If Joey acts stupid, don’t go into shock..Joey starts…

  • They Come From the Swamp

    Trump is a masculine man and as such likes beautiful women.Democrats love their swamp, where they love to go swimmin’.Their swamp’s full of critters, reprobates and malfeasants. Morals are not to be found and denizens claim to be priescent.Trump is an honest man, democrats live and die by their lies.I’ve never seen one single fake…