Category: Uncategorized

  • Return of the Crock

    The batwing doors swung wide on the Hitchin’ Post Saloon.The patrons stared in shock, the Crock had finally returned.Where the hell have you been, they all asked at once.My whistle needs wetting he said so I’m here for the nonce.Gather around the bar he invited, we’ll drink up this gold bar.I remember the last time…

  • Bad Choices

    Tricked by the mirages, I dropped to my knees.I thought I was seeing a lake and palm trees.My lips were blistered, I was burning up in the sun.If I still had some energy, I’d get up and run.As I crawled closer the lake and trees slunk away. Things Ma Nature treats us to when she…

  • Why I Love Jesus

    I would start my talk with an experience I had. This happened when I was five years old. By the time I turned five I’d had 4 bouts with pneumonia. Each time it would get worse. I don’t remember being there but I was in the hospital several times. We were on a family trip…

  • My Soul Is Mine

    The truth has been buried, the economy trashed.Our heroes torn down, burned and smashed.When was the last time you heard good news.That wasn’t some demonrats twisted views.When was the last time you believed what you heard.How many corrupt politicians have the people endured.How many promises broken, too many damn fools elected.How many good people, cast…

  • We’re Being Probed

    World war’s breaking out all over the globe.Our enemies are preparing, we’re being probed.Biden’s a lame duck, Joe’s an unaware fool.Barack’s the one in charge, we’re useful tools,Iran’s planning to attack our Israeli allies,They announced it to the world, it’s no surprise.They know of the fool in our white houseA senile old codger, controlled by…

  • The Big Let Down

    Joe’s the best president ever, that’s what Joe claims.He’s talking of moving to that palace, the one on the Thames.He’s got it all over King Charles, he should be King of the Hill.He should be ruling an empire, everyone should bow to his will.He’s seen it all, been everywhere he tells us at least once…

  • Joe’s Way Forward

    Don’t give in to them Joe, don’t throw in the damn towel.Show them who’s in charge, watch them empty their bowels.They’re scared to death, their world’s falling apart.Tell them to bugger off, Joe, show them you got heart.They’ve used and abused you, like they didn’t know.They lied to the world about who was running the…

  • America’s Coward

    Joe Biden is feeling unpopular, he’s feeling abandoned. He thinks he has plenty of cause to be maddened. Jill turns away from him, he sees scorn on her face. Everyone wants him to leave to clear out of the place. He don’t understand why he’s ignominiously dumped. They’re laughing at him, he’s been chumped by…

  • Hollywood Trash

    Good news for The Rock, Hobbs and Shaw sucks. If it didn’t it should have lost billions of bucks Superhero fatigue, and garbage I’ll never watch. Hollywood garbage is like a kick in the crotch Disney has ruined Star Wars with LGBTQ crap. Someone needs to be fired, or needs a bi*ch slap. Lesbian space…

  • Future King of D.C.

    Robinette Biden the II, the future King of D.C.His path to succession is almost historyLie to the people, Always subvert the truth.Exaggerate everything, especially self worth.Have your media cohorts, cover your tracks.Make it sound innocent, your son smoking crack.Destroy your opponent, with lies and smears.Flip out and get angry, be ready with the fake tears.Influence…