Category: Uncategorized

  • Parboiled Critters

    The water is boiling, the swamp is stirred up. The fool in the Whitehouse is one twisted pup. His mind’s in a dither, when it isn’t on pause. He’s constantly dreaming up more stupid laws. Pelosi is squirming, an old frog in hot water. More problems her drunk hubby has brought her. Facts that don’t…

  • Sanity Breached

    In an attack on the truth, our sanity’s breached. Once again Donald Trump, has been falsely impeached. The demonrats are setting him up for a fall. The horror, the horror, the horror of it all. One after the other, we hear democrats speak. Just like their namesakes, the demonrats squeak. They said it was blatant…

  • Message #1

    The pervs have been gathering, the call has gone out. The devil is dancing and prancing about. The children are nestled all snug in their beds. While teachers are dreaming of grooming their heads. There’s not enough perverts, they must create more. They’re out of their closets to even some score. They think they’ve been…

  • Sold His Soul

    For spreading their lies, he got a pat on the back. A grin from his father and a place to smoke crack. For all his crimes, he was granted immunity. A pass for laws broken, to break more with impunity. He’s the son of Brandon, the apple in Brandon’s eye. Hunter’s such a good lad,…

  • Joe Biden-AKA

    Sprayer of spittle, Taker of naps. Inspiration for many deep belly laughs. Wanna be somebody, Spreader of lies. Avoider of questions. Mister Stupid Replies. Mumbles the Bumbler. Feckless Toady. Escapee from the booby-hatch. Mister Moldie. Worshipped by idiots. Applauded by fools. Usurper of power. Disregarder of rules. Leader of morons. Hero of buffoons. Attracter of…

  • An Old Hippie

    Joe Biden just turned eighty, And he don’t know what to do. He can no longer tell the difference, twixt his left and his right shoe. Has his mind been affected, by one too many acid trips. He has trouble with the truth, it’s given him the slip. Is he having acid flashbacks, has his…

  • Land of the Woke

    They wander wretchedly in the land of the left. No foundation to build on, no honest precept. With eyes only half open, what can they see. With dreams cast to the side, what can they be. No goals to work towards, their lives are a waste. With a hunger for power, and no class or…

  • The Goondance

    It’s a wonderful night for a goondance. A Demonrat fool on the stage, no surprise. A fantastical way of enhancing. The unending litany of his commie lies. The demonrat hopeful is losing. Manifested by the moans of the crowd. It looks like it’s Oz the voters are choosing. Fetterman is to close to the shroud.…

  • A Sorry Sight

    I see my reflection, where the hell am I from. What have I done to get here, how far have I come. I see the thousand little scars, that blanket my arms. The wrinkled old face, obscuring my youthful charms. My once dark auburn hair, is now graying or gone. Scars mark my face, a…

  • Thanks Brandon

    Xi Ping’s star is rising, Brandon’s taking us down. Xi, thinks before acting, Brandon’s a suck-up and clown. Brandon makes empty threats, Xi shakes in his boots. Only Joe believes that, he thinks they’re in cahoots. Brandon wants Armageddon, Perhaps Xi will concur. He sees a weakling in Joe, of that you can be sure.…