Category: Uncategorized

  • What Hillary Offers

    What do folks see in Hillary, her sweet disposition? Is she admired, for her complete lack of contrition. Are they impressed by her hypocritical opinions. Do they think of themselves, as the hags, clueless minions. Are they enamored of her abuse of the Right. Do they tag along because they’re not too bright. Does she…

  • Peas in a Pod

    Dressed up as a double, for dear old dad. Hunter was enjoying it, such s a good lad. He’d learned to act stupid, no problem there. Like father, like son, the DNA shared. Kept in the cellar, he looked like a ghoul. White as a maggot, chin dripping gruel. Instead of Ritilin, he was shooting…

  • Out to Lunch With Joe

    Democrats stepped out to lunch with out to lunch Joe. A place with an ancient menu, called Satan’s Barbecue. They’ve got reservations, it’s a favored hot spot in Hell. A place packed with d-rat elites, who did themselves well. Entrees are variations on satan’s famous pablum. Gluttony is encouraged, greed is no problem. Dress up…

  • Back Again

    Walking around in a self-induced daze. Succumbing to my inner rage. I saw how humans looked at me. I cared not what they might see. I could see no reason why. Some of these humans shouldn’t die. For my sanity, should I cry? Like a sleeping dog, should I let it lie? My actions soon…

  • The Hag’s Back

    Is the old hag ready to throw her hat in the ring. As Brandon would say , that conical thing. Can’t she learn from the past, is she that dumb. Can’t she see her day as president will never come. We know Bill wants her out of the house. He’s sick of her ragging and…

  • Back on Track

    Smiling Democrats with crooked grins. Deep in our pockets, under our skins. Professional liars, experienced crooks. Their favorite recipe, cooking the books. Theft of elections, dog and pony charades. In MSM newsrooms, fake news is made. Trusted by idiots, admired by fools. Joe Biden speaks, like morons they drool. Nothing is real behind smoke and…

  • I’m Sure

    I didn’t watch the SOTU, I got some good sleep. I don’t need nightmares from watching that creep. I’m sure his message was peppered with lies. I’m sure his diaper, drew in hungry demonrat flies. I’m sure demonrat toadies, obediently clapped. I’m sure standing there, Joe probably crapped. I’m sure Nancy Pelosi drank herself numb.…

  • Bad Educations

    What kind of idiot glues their self to the floor. A university graduated, publicity whore? Is it critical thinking, what’s wrong with their brains. Looks like college tuition, poured down the drain. A waste of parents money, a huge waste of time. What’s taught in our schools is a communist crime. Brainwashing centers run by…

  • The Ministry of Lies

    Takin’ it to the limit, the left barrels along. All restraints and decency, apparently gone. They’re creating a ministry to turn truths to lies. It’s set up in Washington and is run by two guys. One thinks she’s a woman, how would she know. The others a jacka*s, he’s runnin’ the show. His name is…

  • Joe’s Tongue

    Joe swallowed his tongue, he spit it back out. Joe never knew what his tongue talked about. His tongue was a liar, is what his ears told him. It wasn’t their fault, his tongue spoke on a whim. His tongue repeated lies, they forced Joe to read. Hearing this happening, made his eyes bleed. Joe…