Category: Uncategorized

  • Depressing Presser

    Hit with the wrong question, Joe lost his cool. Anger management wasn’t one of his tools. He ranted, he raved, he yelled, he screamed. His ears turned red, billowing steam. Someone asked him about a recent mandate. A simple question to which he couldn’t relate. Joe’s go to reaction, was becoming enraged. He threw a…

  • The News and Why It Doesn’t Matter

    I watched the news today, good grief! I wached in horror, in disbelief. There was some good news, mostly bad. The Left has gone stark raving mad. In for a dollar, or for a gazillion bucks. In for either, they’re clueless schmucks. Making the midterms, about abortion. Good for them? the baby’s bad fortune. Doubling…

  • 62 Million Babies Joe

    62 million murdered babies Joe, have you shed one single tear. 62 million babies murdered Joe, they should still be here. 62 million babies murdered, at the planned parenthood store. 62 million and counting Joe and you’re promising millions more. You are a sick, evil old man Joe, Your soul twisted with hate. 62 million…

  • D-rat Talking Points

    Time after time, we hear the same sh*t. The same lefty talking points, it never quits. The right will put you in prison for killing your babies. If they had their way, they’d send you to hades. Conservatives are all racists, bigots and haters. It’s the rightwingers who are the real deepstaters. They want to…

  • Time Marches On

    Climate change happens, it can’t be predicted. If God wanted us gone, we would be evicted. The democrat way, is blame everything on man. While, we christians say, it’s part of God’s plan. Let’s think for a moment, who should we believe. God isn’t a democrat, he doesn’t decieve. I can’t believe Brandon, cause I’m…


  • Bye, Bye, Baby

    Who murders their babies and lies about why. Who knows it’s a life, a life mommy denies. You know it’s a mother, whose conscience is gone. With a morbid desire, for the path they are on. They claim it’s their choice, to do what they do. The left control’s every narrative, it’s nothing new. Listen…

  • Rubes to be Used

    Trillions of dollars, wasted on no one knows what. Trillions of dollars, more than America’s got. Who pays for this crap, who foots the bill. Who pays for this democrat, BS and swill. It’s me and it’s you, us tax-paying schmucks. They reach into our pockets and steal our bucks. Seventeen thousand, they say each…

  • Words of Wisdom

    Uncuff all the cops, slap those cuffs back on crooks. Scrub stupid socialist laws, from all our lawbooks. Quit electing democrat idiots, whose policies suck. Stand up to something, don’t count on dumb luck. Gird up your loins, stand up to their ungodly plans. Call them out on the lies, don’t fall for the scams.…

  • Electing The Braindead

    Who Primaried Fetterwoman, was it somebody dead. Who voted for Fetterwoman, do they like pickled head. Who are these idiots, what kind of fools. Are they the democrat base, useful, idiot tools. You have to be deaf, dumb and stupid, totally blind. Don’t they realize the stroke, destroyed his mind. Is he the perfect democrat,…